How many are like this in florida?

There's not a lot around here, but a few. Depends on the neighborhood and age of the home. I like those. A little more challenging than some. The real fun ones are the flat tile with a steep pitch.
Most of the homes around here are like the one you pictured Dustin. How do people safely get up on those? When you say you got on the roof did you access the ridge and then spray from there or were you walking around on different sections? I have had to paint dormers on pitches like that and usually lay a ldder on the roof and use it as a platform. With all the valleys and things in that roof getting to all of that way would have been impossible.
Most of the homes around here are like the one you pictured Dustin. How do people safely get up on those? When you say you got on the roof did you access the ridge and then spray from there or were you walking around on different sections? I have had to paint dormers on pitches like that and usually lay a ldder on the roof and use it as a platform. With all the valleys and things in that roof getting to all of that way would have been impossible.
Thanks Tim,I think I clean more of these because of the fact that on this type of roof the stains are much more visable.All the new homes are being built like this it creates the illusion of a bigger house. Doug, I had to move the ladder several times to get all the different sides of the roof.All the shrubs made it a challenge.The only way to apply to the top section of roof was to climb up to it.(study the pic and you will see what I mean) My pump will shoot a good 45-50 feet but I always end up walking on the roof.