How is your pressure washing company different?

This is really interesting, DJ.

Do you think that this would be a possible point of leverage in your marketing? This less than 2% call back rate? And the system you have in place that fosters it?

absolutely I use it everyday almost. Honestly Kevin, my company is only a third of the equation. there are three things i have to sell. My product, my company, and most importantly my self. The 3.1 reasons a person doesn't buy has little to do with "ethic, go over and beyond, do the best job compared to our competition, and have a shiny new truck" The 3.1 reasons a person doesn't make a buying decisions is as follows:
  • You didn't explain everything well enough for them
  • They don't like you
  • You did or said something that triggered a negative memory from a past sales experience
  • then the .1 is price
absolutely I use it everyday almost. Honestly Kevin, my company is only a third of the equation. there are three things i have to sell. My product, my company, and most importantly my self. The 3.1 reasons a person doesn't buy has little to do with "ethic, go over and beyond, do the best job compared to our competition, and have a shiny new truck" The 3.1 reasons a person doesn't make a buying decisions is as follows:
  • You didn't explain everything well enough for them
  • They don't like you
  • You did or said something that triggered a negative memory from a past sales experience
  • then the .1 is price

Nicely said, DJ.

I might add "You didn't offer enough value to them to support your price point", and "they can't afford you".

I just looked at your three websites below, and didn't see anything about your 2% call back rate. If you think that your customers would care about something like that (a LOT even...), I would suggest making it very obvious and big and bold as possible.

I would even consider building your entire brand on it.

Any bright spot of differentiation is a support that can hold up our marketing efforts, and provide an opportunity to be fascinating to our target market.

Otherwise, we're boring. Invisible. Exchangeable.

A commodity, really.

Which is a dangerous spot to be in.