I call my marketing, targeting. I target companies and people and I don't stop.
If i wanted to do other types of commercial work I would target it. If I wanted a chain of Dunkin Donuts or a chain of banks, whatever I would target them, not once or twice or even 3 times, I would constantly go after them. I would try to find out who's in charge and direct something at them every 1-3 months. whether its a phone call, a post card, a letter or trying to meet with them, give them an unsolicited proposal/contract. Many ways to skin a cat, you just have to be surgical about it. Would I get everyone I target, of course not, but many after seeing your targeting after 1, 2, 3 years theres a good chance you may get a call, then its what you make of it. Some you will never get a call from, but for the price of a stamp and a post card a few time a year, you don't need to get them all, just some nice ones
I also believe in going after and keeping present customers. Like it was just said, sending an invoice every once in a while isn't keeping in touch with them, send them a newsletter, a post card, flier, a hat w/logo a pen, let them know you appreciate the work and want more
Everything is marketing/targeting,
I don't track anything, its a constant thing that doesn't need tracking, I know it works when I get that 1st call