How do we feel about Cracks?


New member
Cracks of all sorts are in question: Concrete, Aggregate, Plumbers.

The way I am currently attacking them in aggregate is using an angle grinder and diamond blade, attacking the larger cracks and grinding them out. I don't do this with hairline, I simply use a general crack filler you can find at any Home improvement store(sanded of course). After grinding, I will put a 100% silicone down in the bottom of the crack to fill about halfway up depending on width of crack. Then I top it with the classic sanded crack fillers.

How do you guys attack these? Any suggestions on chemicals, processes, anything?
I really thought that I was on another site that I check out from time to time when I saw this thread title. ( Did I just say that out loud?) :slap:
Being a former stucco plasterer I cant stand looking at patches...and no matter how good you think you will almost always look like a patch to a trained eye...and sometimes bad enough for the untrained eye...I sub my damage repair out to licensed masons and plasterers..they have the equipment and experience to make it look perfect and they keep me in mind when they see something dirty...on the flipside...the elastomeric patch in a bucket is the most common used..but it is hideous looking..and yes your good to take the surface down a bit before applying..sometimes a good bonding agent will help after you grind also...water actually makes a good bonding agent for the mud but the stuff that smells like elmers glue works good...this of course is for stucco..for crete slabs hydraulic cement works
I have never seen a crack patch job look good, always messy and you can really see that crack from far away.

If there was a good system for fixing cracks that would blend in, then that would be good.

We are on a mud flat so the clay expands and contracts up to 40% from what they tell me so it is very hard to keep concrete from cracking here between the rainy seasons and dry seasons, the clay just moves too much.