1) IMO it's more of a meeting to keep Houston improving because of damage caused by an org.
2) YES
3) YES in some ways, in other ways NO. The people (officials we meet with) here in Houston like Ron because of his knowledge, experience and the simple easy to understand way he explains things to them. I am not sure the "shopping of BMP"s here hurt us more than the stupid phrase "nothing down the drain... Houston has BMP's but even if we did what the BMP's say we could be in violation. That is one of the things we're trying to fix. SO in one sense it is an uphill battle trying to repair the mind set here, in other ways, once it is explained they understand and are actually like WOW, that makes perfect sense. Just a matter of getting all the departments and officials on the same page.
4) Yes, while representatives from both the PWNA and UAMCC have been here for the Environmental Seminars put on by the Police Department, no one has done any ongoing work with the correct officials/representatives of the City of Houston that I am aware of. If they are, they have not met with people Ron and I have because they have never heard of either org or the people that have been here from those orgs. Which is good. While the Police Department has heard of them, we need to remember that they are not the ones that can change anything.
5) Sure anyone can attend the meeting, that's why I posted it publicly on every board, including the new PWNA board.
6) Hope you can make it too Chris. We could sure use you.