Houston BMP TEXAS March 8th Certification for reclaim

Sounds great Ron.
Went Great Paul, got some great info and contacts to continue some dialogue. Gonna be a long process though.
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It was definately very eye opening to say the least!

I will let Ron talk about it, if I start I probably will not stop. hahahahaha

There was a lot of things that did not make sense, things that need to be changed, everyone needs to read the clean water act, Texas Water Law and get on the same page and more! hahahahaha

I believe that things can and will change with the right guys helping the city, it just has to start in the right places and that by itself can probably take a while.

Ron can explain it a lot better than I can when he has time.

There is a lot of opportunity in several aspects of pressure washing there with the right investment.
It would have been great having you there Tony!

The enforcement officer was giving me a bad look when I kept asking questions that either he did not know the answer to or did not want to answer or just wanted to be right.

Instead of arguing with him I just asked different questions with the different department people but with 2 of the ladies with the TCEQ they gave a different answer to the same question and then the enforcement officer just had to give his 2 cents to the answer also. hahahahaha

I think that he needs to go back patrolling the street or becoming a metermaid. hahahahaha He has the wrong mentality for this job and it will cost a lot of contractors a lot of money with his incorrect interpretation of the clean water act.

I think that if you were there Tony, either you, Ron or myself would probably had been rapid-fire asking questions and probably got locked up after they could not answer them or they got dumbfounded or just got tired of us knowing more about the clean water act than they did and they would not like that at all.

It would have been like the visitors knocking home runs all day long and the home team never getting to bat and eventually they would just shut down the game for some silly reason and take the ball home. hahahahaha
The lady from TCEQ admitted there was a problem with the the whole situation. The State and the Feds having the ultimate authority dosent set well with the enforcement guy. The Houston Eviro Officer didnt like being questioned or contradicted. It was like, " Dont confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up".
Maybe it was some kind of 2nd rate idea of subliminal hints like if you don't clean up correctly we will fine you out of existence and the only thing you will own will be this cheap beer coozy to keep your beer cold since you will not own a refrigerator. hahahahaha

That is about all I can make up on the spot. hahahahaha
Before you guys write the article, you need to call Ron and talk to him for a while and he will tell you exactly what is wrong with the way that Houston is portraying the clean water act, how they are enforcing it improperly, how they are making contractors haul waste without informing them of the legalities of hauling waste, etc... There are a lot of things wrong there that need to be corrected along with the changes that need to happen.

Like Robert H. explains when he talks, there are Logical, Rational and Responsible solutions to the wash water issues but right now Houston departments are not on the same page, even in each department they are not on the same page.

Lots of things need to change and can be changed but it will take talks, time and changes.
Before you guys write the article, you need to call Ron and talk to him for a while and he will tell you exactly what is wrong with the way that Houston is portraying the clean water act, how they are enforcing it improperly, how they are making contractors haul waste without informing them of the legalities of hauling waste, etc... There are a lot of things wrong there that need to be corrected along with the changes that need to happen.

Like Robert H. explains when he talks, there are Logical, Rational and Responsible solutions to the wash water issues but right now Houston departments are not on the same page, even in each department they are not on the same page.

Lots of things need to change and can be changed but it will take talks, time and changes.

Absolutely! Thank you.