I think it was rigged. My name wasn't there... Of course, if you gave me a years supply of hose, I might keep my mouth shut.
Didn't Ron say the website had to be in your signature too?
Hose give away!!!!!!!!!!
It’s simple, win a 100ft 3/8 5800psi hose.
Simply put your website URL in this post and we will randomly draw your name after the New Year to win the Hose. It’s that simple.
If you don’t have a website, make one.
Of course it has to be your site and the signature rules apply.
In order to win the hose you must have your own number and website in your signature. (Mandatory) if the website is yours and has a number that’s good. (No organization websites count)
Have fun and please feel free to lets us know how you like the prizes.
this is how this works, I need to confirm it was recieved . then we can do another. hurry......
Hose give away!!!!!!!!!! NEw Sept give away....2009
THis is a NEW give-away in old thread... If your sites in just reply to qualify for drawing again.
It’s simple, win a 100ft 3/8 4000psi hose.
Simply put your website URL in this post and we will randomly draw your name after the New Year to win the Hose. It’s that simple.
If you don’t have a website, make one.
Of course it has to be your site and the signature rules apply.
In order to win the hose you must have your own number and website in your signature. (Mandatory) if the website is yours and has a number that’s good. (No organization websites count)
Have fun and please feel free to lets us know how you like the prizes.