You are the most amazing people I know. I am not looking for a handout. Your kind words of encouragement are enough to help me through this.
Scott, thank you for your PM, I will be in touch.
Michael - Thank you for your phone call, I will try to get in touch with you this evening.
Celeste - You rock...
After many tears and kleenex I have realized that I have to keep my head up and keep on trucking. I have to learn from mistakes and try to make myself a better stronger person.
For those of you wondering about the Dan Cleanline situtation, Yes Dan did work for us last year around September I believe. He and Logan are amazing guys, hardworking and they worked into the wee hours with us. I owe Dan alot of money for helping us out that I have never paid him. I am not going to lie or cheat to get out of it. I OWE HIM THE MONEY. I am going to pay him every dime that I owe him starting now. I want everyone to know that I am going to personally call him and talk things over and apologize until I can no longer speak. I feel disgusted with myself over this whole situation and there is no one to blame BUT myself.
I would love to help you all out with your advertising needs, but I cant bring myself to charge you for it. I originally joined this board to help me better my business and I can only see it fit that I lend my ability to help others.... Please feel free to email me at my email
Thanks for everything, you people are just plain amazing.