Honda 24hp blown

Chris Tharpe

New member
I put this thread here to update some of people wanting to know what the procedure is on Honda Warranty work.

2/20 3:00 am Motor rattled for about 2 seconds and then slammed off very hard

2/20 1:00 left engine at local honda authorized repair shop which is also a local PW supply vendor

2/23 got a call from the local shop and asked me to take the motor over to their distributors shop for them to look over the damage and make a decision upon warranty or not.

I got a call this afternoon stating that they were going to give me a new motor tomorrow and everything should be fine.

The local vendor is wanting a check that will cover the amount that will be put on his account. This person is asking for 2,000 ish and will hold the check for me until his account is credited by Honda. I have no problems with this because he is supposed to hold onto the check not cash it. Its just funny that the local Dodge dealership doesn't ask me for 5,000 to hold onto while they wait for chrysler to credit them. I feel pretty sore against this vendor because he stated that if I purchased the unit from him he would not have required that and would have also put me into another unit he has until this ones fixed. I cannot justify the price he is asking over our local board vendors which is nearly 4500.00 difference. Just last week I needed a pump in a hurry and could not wait for one to be shipped in, I got a 4@4,000 pump that sells for roughly 300 and paid this guy 550 for it.

The vendors that contribute to this board and all the RT's are great guys and will go out of their way to aid in these situations. I greatly appreciate guys like Bob, Russ, Roger, Paul, Nicole, Delco and others I have not done business with up to this point.

I will post the end results of this warranty work as soon as i know what happens with the engine thats sent back to Honda for a check-over
Doesn't pass the smell test to me. Tell him you'll give him a credit card number and you can always deny the charge within 60 days if he hits it without your permission. If nothing else get it all in writing.
Stinks to me!!
sounds fishy to me also. Get this. I went to a local pw vender here and asked for a downstream injector they didn't even know what it was. On to next vender. The second one didn't know the difference between upstream and downstream. LOL
Good faith deposit, huh!!

$ 4500 is a huge price difference.

Some vendors pricing are much, much more than others its unbelievable.

I recently called a local pressure wash company for pricing on this rig on their website:


I was told he had no such rig on his site, then when I explained it to him, he repeated "sir I have no such rig on my site".

Then I give he the link he said, " oh that rig, yeah that rig is $70,000", then I asked how much for the Fury system by itself, "sir I have no idea what you are talking about", I said "thank you for your time" ........... click

Some other Info:
Honda has increased its Limited Warranty to 3 years on all of it GX series for 2009 except the GXV160.
Sounds like Honda is requiring a shipped engine in hand instead of taking his professional word on cause of failure which is a bs relationship.
It's either covered or it isn't by professional mechanic diagnosis is my opinion or it isn't would be more logical. But nope.. manufactures always want the item before they ship a new one. Sounds like vendor is doing a favor for you under that perticular set of circumstances in that he is fronting a motor going out the door rather than him getting involved in Honda's game. I would think it standup that manufactures go ahead and ship if somethings been looked over by certified mechanic with a dealer type status with them or approve one going out the vendors door on their dime with full compensation agreements between each other. Just isn't so...

Check it out, I buy an electronic drum kit and it breaks right off the bat. The warranty is like the minimum time for a perticular area which is like 60 to 90 day someplaces. If I send it off without giving card number I have to wait for them to get the kit and then I am left with like what...a month or two of warranty time?. Well guess what. They, the kits, tend to be junk and many are broke all across country. It's gonna break again and I am out a hundred and my time and effort within 60 days for this perticualr branded kit. Ya know what I did with this perticular item was to just take it back to the store I bought it twice. Retailers should always have a sufficient relationship with the manufacture/distributor and take burden off cstomer right. They are covered, I know they are. Thye just get a sort of credit and they send item back if manufacture wants it. They hated me to no end on this deal and didn't care much for my outlook. See normally most sales of my item also included a software package which makes for an automatic situation of go directly to manufactre and do not pass go. So my end solution was to pick another brand and another retailer. Sometimes we have to do same with even a motor or car or whatever. Personally I never delt with Honda on warranty stuff and pretty much trust their design and quality involved but I am not above going elsewhere if I can't get along reasonably with them or they don't accomodate and value me as a customer. It's like bye bye cya!
sounds fishy to me also. Get this. I went to a local pw vender here and asked for a downstream injector they didn't even know what it was. On to next vender. The second one didn't know the difference between upstream and downstream. LOL

Hi into same thing down this way. Seems sometimes though it is just that places will have the dummies up front and the knowledge out back.

btw.. how's Central Point? Got relatives up that way. Ever known any Kings up there?
Let face it how many Honda engines blow up? Very few so now Honda wants to see it what happen. Then maybe they will pay him or maybe not. So the dealer is holding your check so he dosent get stuck if honda is not covering the repair.
The dealer visited is th local honda certified repair shop. They looked it over then called their distributor. The distributor asked to look it over and see as well. I picked it up, drove another 20 minutes the opposite direction and dropped it off. They said it is covered under warranty. I don't see what the problem is here, the distributor says its covered, the repair shop says its covered but yet he still is asking for this. Again I have no problems letting this guy hold onto a check and have no problems paying for something thats not covered. I feel like I am in a situation that I have no say in how things are handled and cannot speak to the person thats making these decisions. I feel that honda should allow the distributors to make the decision at the least if not allowing the distributors to make these decisions
I feel like I am in a situation that I have no say in how things are handled and cannot speak to the person thats making these decisions. I feel that honda should allow the distributors to make the decision at the least if not allowing the distributors to make these decisions
You have a legitimate beef here....I'll watch this thread with interest since I'm considering a 24HP Honda myself.
Let face it how many Honda engines blow up? Very few so now Honda wants to see it what happen. Then maybe they will pay him or maybe not. So the dealer is holding your check so he dosent get stuck if honda is not covering the repair.

...that pretty much says nobody but Honda has sufficient ability, knowledge, training, etc. to declare why something breaks. A judge may disagree.
This reminds me of that big car tire fiasco/argue in the racing industry. The one guys tire blew after a puncture andit caused him to take out both his and his partners car. So they left with no suitable cars for Daytona let alone good tires. I think the drivers statement to the tire manufactures statements belittleing the real issue was like 'tires don't blowout from a punture'. This was after manufacture belittled the situation telling everyone to wait blaiming them cause wreck was caused by a puncture.. It's like what?". I'd be pissed off too if my tire got a hole in it and but couldn't stay together. And so now we are gonna support or justify a claim that the wreck was caused by the driver cause he couldn't control the car?
If Honda says engine got too hot and he should have turned it off sooner so it is his fault are we to accept that? In what world would a washer 200' away using his machine as he should be responsable for a Honda failure of not having adequate heat protection circuitry?..Get my point?. Who takes it in the shorts? The guy that spent good money for something to work for a perticular amount of time without worry or a big company/vendor combination that often times goes out of their way to limit all their liability?

Pretty good topic!1. I can;t wait to hear how it turns out so that I can continue in support of Honda's overall good rating.. :)

ps-- now we hear that yes indeed somebody said the thing is covered so why the weirdness going on?. Sounds now the vendor has weird practices or he knows full well not to trust his manu/distrubuter relationship for some reason. Maybe he been burnt before by Honda or something and wants to pass the buck/liability on to his customers. If such case I'd say it high time he stand up for his self with Honda and realize the customer not deserving of this made up process of layered protection. Again it should be a manufacture/distributer/dealer burden and not a customers the moment a pro mechanic says it's covered.
I feel that Honda should replace this engine. We will see in the coming weeks. I just have to get back up and running in order to finish several jobs and after they decide to pay for past and current work, we will gather another unit so this problem won't be so hard to deal with.
I can tell you from Honda motorcycle dealers I know Honda almost never wants a part or engine back unless it's an engineering problem they want to figure out. That's why they have service centers to make the call and factory reps to keep the dealers in line.

I know a bunch of guys involved in the racing industry and tires are a big topic around here. Between the F-1 fiasco and the Brickyard NASCAR mess here racing tires are a major issue.