Historical moment, Idiots outnumber the Intelligent

I've said it before and I'll say it again:

I LOVE the fact that we can have these conversations without being thrown in jail or shipped off to a deserted island.

THAT is what our country was founded on! Now let's all go out and clean something!

HAHAHA!! Best post of the day so far!! Just give the 21st Hijacker a few months! Know what the "Fairness Doctorine" is??
Even in the bible it states "to seek wish counsel" know McCain has stated himself that he has voted 90% of the time with bush. Not only that he has been one the main information sources for bush in reguards to the war in Iraq. Stating that it would be quick and easy. Most of us can agree that it has not been either of the two. That does not seem to me to be wise counsel at all. But we want the same man to run our country. His campaign was based on belittling Obama, not the issues that we face on a day to day bases. He wants the war to continue. We are not doing anything over there as of now, that is helping. Let the country run itself! Our economy is tanking, while we spend 10 billion dollars a month in Iraq. Thats does not make since! We need someone to shake things up, change the path we are currently on. If not we will be in a depression and who cares if we have a great rig or a million accounts when no one can afford our services.

George Bush senior is the one who didn't "seek wise council". He listened to the liberal congress and feared the people and pulled out of Iraq and left millions at the mercy of Saddam Hussein. When you leave people to the mercy of one who has no mercy millions die, and they did.
GW Bush was given a second opportunity to make right his father's wrong and he did.

Do you not remember the UN Resolutions?

Don't you remember how many countries went with us into Iraq?

Don't you remember the joy of the people of Iraq when Saddam was overthrown?

George Bush did a good deed that should have been done by his father. He gave his word that he would not leave them stranded with the job half done and he has KEPT his word!

Our military went over there with a job to do and over 3000 gave their lives to do that job. They sacrificed everything and yet you want to whine about the economy and losing a little money. Frankly it's disgusting.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/TRZDpViE1WE&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/TRZDpViE1WE&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
HAHAHA!! Best post of the day so far!! Just give the 21st Hijacker a few months! Know what the "Fairness Doctorine" is??

No, please explain. Thanks
Let see how many of his Friends, OH I mean terrorist friends get a Job in his cabinet ;)

OH then there is this Change crap I keep hearing about, Let see UM his buds ran Fanny Mea and Freedy Mack and Barney Fag is Chris Dodd are still in office and it was McCain that tryed to fix this stuff not the BIG O, so that will be a change? you have got to be kidding me. Real Change thats what is left in our pockets, if I hear this change stuff again I'll PUKE. You have to have your head in a cloud to think there is going to be change that will help any of us out.

Partial Birth Abortion, No Oil Drilling,Fairness Doctorine, Environmentalist, Gay Rights, Gun Control, OH and I'm a Racist for not Voting Obama just a few reasons I will NOT SUPPORT the DEMS or this GUY.
George Bush senior is the one who didn't "seek wise council". He listened to the liberal congress and feared the people and pulled out of Iraq and left millions at the mercy of Saddam Hussein. When you leave people to the mercy of one who has no mercy millions die, and they did.
GW Bush was given a second opportunity to make right his father's wrong and he did.

Do you not remember the UN Resolutions?

Don't you remember how many countries went with us into Iraq?

Don't you remember the joy of the people of Iraq when Saddam was overthrown?

George Bush did a good deed that should have been done by his father. He gave his word that he would not leave them stranded with the job half done and he has KEPT his word!

Our military went over there with a job to do and over 3000 gave their lives to do that job. They sacrificed everything and yet you want to whine about the economy and losing a little money. Frankly it's disgusting.

Yes I am, considering that our own country needs the government and they cant supply our needs. i was in Iraq when the war started and by the way the first unit in. I was there twice. For the people that are looking at the news and recieving false information I seen it first hand. The people in Iraq are killing each other because we are there. They fell that if you side with us you are a trader. Most of them dont want us there. We have gotten rid of saddam, know its time to let them rebuild.
Yes I am, considering that our own country needs the government and they cant supply our needs. i was in Iraq when the war started and by the way the first unit in. I was there twice. For the people that are looking at the news and recieving false information I seen it first hand. The people in Iraq are killing each other because we are there. They fell that if you side with us you are a trader. Most of them dont want us there. We have gotten rid of saddam, know its time to let them rebuild.

The government does not exist to "supply our needs" The federal government exists to guarantee trade across state lines including a transportation grid and provide for the defense of the nation along with guaranteeing basic human rights.

If the federal government stuck to the limitations placed on it by the constitution the genius of the founding fathers could come into play like this:

We all pay a small federal tax on imports, maybe even sales to pay for defense, trade and federal court system, then everything else is up to the STATE government.

Hard working people will FLOCK to the states that manage money well and tax low.
Lazy people will FLOCK to the states that offer welfare.
Gays will FLOCK to the states that allow gay marriage.
People who don't value life will FLOCK to abortion states.

Then each person has a CHOICE to decide what type of morally based government he or she wants to live under and they can DECIDE where they want to live in the GREAT UNITED STATES.

That was the genius of the founding fathers and it worked well until Lincoln went after the states lawfully in the name of civil rights then every one after him thought they then had the right to go after states for every other pet issue they had.

Go back and read the constitution. If the Federal government stuck to what it was designed for our "needs" would be easily fulfilled with bare minimum taxation. You're talking about something you haven't studied, but only rely on the comments of others to make your decisions.

You need to speak to someone who is in Iraq now like I do. Things have changed a lot since the beginning of the war. At the beginning they were rightfully afraid the GW would pull a George senior and pull out before finishing the job, but now they are beginning to trust our word. That is, until yesterday.
Thank you government sponsored public school GED graduates for bringing your lazy, handout grabbing, a** out to vote and taking the choice out of the hands of working people who actually have the sense to examine a candidate before putting them in charge of our military.

Thankfully most of you shot your wad this time and will never have the motivation to vote again and we will only have to repair 4 years of damage next time.

Is this the future of America?

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/vhbH9IYirD0&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/vhbH9IYirD0&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Trust me it's not only ignorant Blacks, there are plenty of white people that have no clue. Did you ever watch Jaywalking on the Jay Leno show, he would ask the easiest of questions to people on the street and almost all of them could not answer and if they did it was the wrong answer.
Trust me it's not only ignorant Blacks, there are plenty of white people that have no clue. Did you ever watch Jaywalking on the Jay Leno show, he would ask the easiest of questions to people on the street and almost all of them could not answer and if they did it was the wrong answer.

The blacks did not elect Obama. Dumb white people did. He would have been elected without a single black vote.
But what's really funny is in two states the gay marriage bans would have NOT PASSED if there was no black or hispanic vote. The white margin was close in favor of gay marriage, the black and hispanic vote was about 70/30 for the ban and that is why the ban passed. Ironic isn't it? Blacks and Hispanics denying rights to gays. Hilarious!
The blacks did not elect Obama. Dumb white people did. He would have been elected without a single black vote.
But what's really funny is in two states the gay marriage bans would have NOT PASSED if there was no black or hispanic vote. The white margin was close in favor of gay marriage, the black and hispanic vote was about 70/30 for the ban and that is why the ban passed. Ironic isn't it? Blacks and Hispanics denying rights to gays. Hilarious!

I dont get that, i could give a s**t less, i think they should let them get married also, why should'nt they be misserable too..:D :D
Trust me it's not only ignorant Blacks, there are plenty of white people that have no clue. Did you ever watch Jaywalking on the Jay Leno show, he would ask the easiest of questions to people on the street and almost all of them could not answer and if they did it was the wrong answer.

Who is Jay Leno? :D
George Bush senior is the one who didn't "seek wise council". He listened to the liberal congress and feared the people and pulled out of Iraq and left millions at the mercy of Saddam Hussein. When you leave people to the mercy of one who has no mercy millions die, and they did.
GW Bush was given a second opportunity to make right his father's wrong and he did.

Do you not remember the UN Resolutions?

Don't you remember how many countries went with us into Iraq?

Don't you remember the joy of the people of Iraq when Saddam was overthrown?

George Bush did a good deed that should have been done by his father. He gave his word that he would not leave them stranded with the job half done and he has KEPT his word!

Our military went over there with a job to do and over 3000 gave their lives to do that job. They sacrificed everything and yet you want to whine about the economy and losing a little money. Frankly it's disgusting.

Yes I am, considering that our own country needs the government and they cant supply our needs. i was in Iraq when the war started and by the way the first unit in. I was there twice. For the people that are looking at the news and recieving false information I seen it first hand. The people in Iraq are killing each other because we are there. They fell that if you side with us you are a trader. Most of them dont want us there. We have gotten rid of saddam, know its time to let them rebuild.

Hmm...you may have been there twice (I was there for 18 months), but obviously you know absolutely nothing about their culture. They are not killing each other because we are there. They are killing each other because of religious differences and have been doing so for thousands of years. This has been going on for far longer than we have even been a country.

And thats where I think we went wrong. Was to assume WE could change thousands of years of hatred, and barbarism in just a few short years. Hell we cant even gets blacks to stop yelling racism, even the day after a black guy was elected president.
Even in the bible it states "to seek wish counsel" know McCain has stated himself that he has voted 90% of the time with bush. Not only that he has been one the main information sources for bush in reguards to the war in Iraq. Stating that it would be quick and easy. Most of us can agree that it has not been either of the two. That does not seem to me to be wise counsel at all. But we want the same man to run our country. His campaign was based on belittling Obama, not the issues that we face on a day to day bases. He wants the war to continue. We are not doing anything over there as of now, that is helping. Let the country run itself! Our economy is tanking, while we spend 10 billion dollars a month in Iraq. Thats does not make since! We need someone to shake things up, change the path we are currently on. If not we will be in a depression and who cares if we have a great rig or a million accounts when no one can afford our services

I had it in my mind to try to educate this person, But it is clear that education and facts have not been previously sought. Facts sometimes are useless.
Hmm...you may have been there twice (I was there for 18 months), but obviously you know absolutely nothing about their culture. They are not killing each other because we are there. They are killing each other because of religious differences and have been doing so for thousands of years. This has been going on for far longer than we have even been a country.

And thats where I think we went wrong. Was to assume WE could change thousands of years of hatred, and barbarism in just a few short years. Hell we cant even gets blacks to stop yelling racism, even the day after a black guy was elected president.

Very well put!!!!
Hmm...you may have been there twice (I was there for 18 months), but obviously you know absolutely nothing about their culture. They are not killing each other because we are there. They are killing each other because of religious differences and have been doing so for thousands of years. This has been going on for far longer than we have even been a country.

And thats where I think we went wrong. Was to assume WE could change thousands of years of hatred, and barbarism in just a few short years. Hell we cant even gets blacks to stop yelling racism, even the day after a black guy was elected president.

Let's not forget the "real" reason we went there ... Iraq has nuclear weapons :eek::confused: :rolleyes:
Iraq, lets talk about WMD's, none right? WRONG I'll get a couple hundred thousand dead Kurd's to prove you wrong.

Look, If your neighbor is in the yard with a gun, you go inside and someone shoots your dog. So you ask the guy why did you shoot my dog? I know you had a gun. His reply is " I have no gun"

So you give him 18 chances to produce the gun THAT YOU KNOW HE HAS, BECAUSE HE HAS KILLED WITH IT. so you tell him your coming to get the gun and he hides it in the other neighbors yard.

I guess if he hid it well enough it never exhisted huh?

We removed tons of mustard gas from IRAQ last year, LOOK IT UP:p
Yes Mustard gas is a WMD Weapon of mass destruction,

Seems alot of people have been gassed with some weapon of mass distraction. and forgot the true facts. AND YOU R WRONG !! never once was nuclear weapons a target. All WMDs are not Nuclear.
Yes Mustard gas is a WMD Weapon of mass destruction,

Seems alot of people have been gassed with some weapon of mass distraction. and forgot the true facts. AND YOU R WRONG !! never once was nuclear weapons a target. All WMDs are not Nuclear.

I guess I worded it wrong ... I meant WMDs.

*goes back to hide in his corner*
I guess I worded it wrong ... I meant WMDs.

*goes back to hide in his corner*

Hey Pat, don't feel bad. You were only about 5 years old when Saddam invaded a helpless Kuwait just because he thought he could get away with it since Ronald Reagan was out of office. He slipped away that time, then murdered millions of his own people who dared to celebrate his defeat.

Did you know the found a giant meat grinder that he and his sons used to kill anyone they thought were enemies? That's a weapon of *ss destruction. :rolleyes:

Take a little time and study up on recent history. The sheep have a short memory. They don't remember about anything past last week and don't care about anything past next week. You're not one of those sheep, otherwise you wouldn't have the gonads to start you own business.

Congratulations on the guts to stand up for what you believe in. And you had the nuts to fight for your country and you have my gratitude for that.

Now, buck up, study up, and get on the right side. We need you!!