Yes I am, considering that our own country needs the government and they cant supply our needs. i was in Iraq when the war started and by the way the first unit in. I was there twice. For the people that are looking at the news and recieving false information I seen it first hand. The people in Iraq are killing each other because we are there. They fell that if you side with us you are a trader. Most of them dont want us there. We have gotten rid of saddam, know its time to let them rebuild.
The government does not exist to "supply our needs" The federal government exists to guarantee trade across state lines including a transportation grid and provide for the defense of the nation along with guaranteeing basic human rights.
If the federal government stuck to the limitations placed on it by the constitution the genius of the founding fathers could come into play like this:
We all pay a small federal tax on imports, maybe even sales to pay for defense, trade and federal court system, then everything else is up to the STATE government.
Hard working people will FLOCK to the states that manage money well and tax low.
Lazy people will FLOCK to the states that offer welfare.
Gays will FLOCK to the states that allow gay marriage.
People who don't value life will FLOCK to abortion states.
Then each person has a CHOICE to decide what type of morally based government he or she wants to live under and they can DECIDE where they want to live in the GREAT UNITED STATES.
That was the genius of the founding fathers and it worked well until Lincoln went after the states lawfully in the name of civil rights then every one after him thought they then had the right to go after states for every other pet issue they had.
Go back and read the constitution. If the Federal government stuck to what it was designed for our "needs" would be easily fulfilled with bare minimum taxation. You're talking about something you haven't studied, but only rely on the comments of others to make your decisions.
You need to speak to someone who is in Iraq now like I do. Things have changed a lot since the beginning of the war. At the beginning they were rightfully afraid the GW would pull a George senior and pull out before finishing the job, but now they are beginning to trust our word. That is, until yesterday.