Historical moment, Idiots outnumber the Intelligent

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
Thank you government sponsored public school GED graduates for bringing your lazy, handout grabbing, a** out to vote and taking the choice out of the hands of working people who actually have the sense to examine a candidate before putting them in charge of our military.

Thankfully most of you shot your wad this time and will never have the motivation to vote again and we will only have to repair 4 years of damage next time.

Is this the future of America?

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There's nothing historical about idiots out numbering intelligent people. It happened the last two elections!

Actually it's the American way, that is the original reason the electoral college was set up.
Well, now you have what you want. You probably thought you had what you wanted with Jimmy Carter too.

BTW, I don't have to take anymore work on now so I don't approach the $250k mark and now there I am with my new avatar waiting for my bailout. I don't have to worry about my mortgage payments or my fuel anymore the lord and savior will pay them for me. Now I'm an official Obama supporter.
Well, now you have what you want. You probably thought you had what you wanted with Jimmy Carter too.

BTW, I don't have to take anymore work on now so I don't approach the $250k mark and now there I am with my new avatar waiting for my bailout. I don't have to worry about my mortgage payments or my fuel anymore the lord and savior will pay them for me. Now I'm an official Obama supporter.

Everyone should have seen this coming a few months back. Although my vote wasn't enough to get McCain elected I will wait and see how it effects my business and life. Hope you guys have been practicing how to bend over and spread those cheeks! Hugh
How can you win an election when poles were still open and people were still in line when they declaired him pres. hmmm :mad:
He didn't win then yet. He was the "projected winner" at that time. They declared he is the president elect when even when some polls were still open, and McCain would of won then, he couldn't have out-done Obama.

I have not shared my political believes in this forum once, but I think it's about time. I am a hard working young guy, and I voted for Obama. All McCain would of done is continue President Bushs policies ... yea, we see how well they did us for the past 8 years, I don't even need to comment on them. I am very much looking forward to change we can believe in.

And afterall, there is no need to attack the individual parties. McCain supports lost, ok, there was enough "grieving" you could of done last night. Now lets get up, this is still one country, our country, the United States of America and united we stand.

So now ... ima go wash a house :D
How can you win an election when poles were still open and people were still in line when they declaired him pres. hmmm :mad:

Because you only need 270 electoral votes and he got 295 when he won California.
He didn't win then yet. He was the "projected winner" at that time. They declared he is the president elect when even when some polls were still open, and McCain would of won then, he couldn't have out-done Obama.

I have not shared my political believes in this forum once, but I think it's about time. I am a hard working young guy, and I voted for Obama. All McCain would of done is continue President Bushs policies ... yea, we see how well they did us for the past 8 years, I don't even need to comment on them. I am very much looking forward to change we can believe in.

And afterall, there is no need to attack the individual parties. McCain supports lost, ok, there was enough "grieving" you could of done last night. Now lets get up, this is still one country, our country, the United States of America and united we stand.

So now ... ima go wash a house :D

:cool: :D :)
If you knew anything about McCain, instead of believing the ads, you would know he is nothing like Bush. Since I am in his state, and know people that know him personally, as well as being acquainted with his wife, I can assure you that he is no George Bush. That being said, I hope Obama well. I think that he is in for a rough row to hoe.
He didn't win then yet. He was the "projected winner" at that time. They declared he is the president elect when even when some polls were still open, and McCain would of won then, he couldn't have out-done Obama.

I have not shared my political believes in this forum once, but I think it's about time. I am a hard working young guy, and I voted for Obama. All McCain would of done is continue President Bushs policies ... yea, we see how well they did us for the past 8 years, I don't even need to comment on them. I am very much looking forward to change we can believe in.

And afterall, there is no need to attack the individual parties. McCain supports lost, ok, there was enough "grieving" you could of done last night. Now lets get up, this is still one country, our country, the United States of America and united we stand.

So now ... ima go wash a house :D

I respect the office of the presidency. And I will obey whatever laws come out of this presidency.

My mom and I have a long distance telephone bible study every Wednesday morning over the phone for about half an hour. She was up sick all night last night because of the election. Ironically, our bible study was scheduled for Romans 13 this morning.

I'll obey whatever ridiculous laws this fake moderate gets passed and just grit my teeth until it's over. And you can bet that I will be putting money all over the place and donating more than ever to legally keep it out of Obama's hands. (By the way, that is why tax increases on the rich don't work)

I took my mom to 2 Chronicles where it goes through one king after another and first "this one did good in the sight of the Lord" next "this one did evil in the sight of the Lord". This is nothing new, it's been going on for thousands of years.

At least Obama hasn't put up big Phalluses for us to worship yet like the old kings of Judah and Israel did! (That's what an "Asherah pole is) :eek:

But, be prepared to buy your government mandated prayer rugs later though and listen for aaaallllaaaaalleeeeehhhhhhaaaaaaa over the radio three times a day.:)

Clinton brought us lies and everyone liked it, Bush kept his word to the Iraqi people and everyone hated him for it.

Now we've elected another liar in his place because a pleasant lie is easier to swallow than the hard truth.

We can just be thankful that we only have to live under this "authority" for 4-8 years, instead of 20-50 years they had bad kings in the old days.
If you knew anything about McCain, instead of believing the ads, you would know he is nothing like Bush. Since I am in his state, and know people that know him personally, as well as being acquainted with his wife, I can assure you that he is no George Bush. That being said, I hope Obama well. I think that he is in for a rough row to hoe.

I cast my vote for McCain because I also know that Arizona has been passed on the last four down turns in the economy.

We also have a superior health care system and people travel re from around the globe.

I just dont know why he didnt use what he has done more. Mccain has done many of these things in this state Obama talks about. Il is a mess, his state has just recently started better systems and teh toll is on the taxpayers.

I wish him well in the White house but i hope we dont fall completely apart thru this. I think the republicans and the president will have to work close and maybe Bill C will bridge this democrat close to them so we will be able to move forward.

I see alot green behind the ears, i just hope he is ready for the truth.

Black white of Blue, money is green..... Thats whats controling our country and if you think different your a fool.
I respect the office of the presidency. And I will obey whatever laws come out of this presidency.

My mom and I have a long distance telephone bible study every Wednesday morning over the phone for about half an hour. She was up sick all night last night because of the election. Ironically, our bible study was scheduled for Romans 13 this morning.

I'll obey whatever ridiculous laws this fake moderate gets passed and just grit my teeth until it's over. And you can bet that I will be putting money all over the place and donating more than ever to legally keep it out of Obama's hands. (By the way, that is why tax increases on the rich don't work)

I took my mom to 2 Chronicles where it goes through one king after another and first "this one did good in the sight of the Lord" next "this one did evil in the sight of the Lord". This is nothing new, it's been going on for thousands of years.

At least Obama hasn't put up big Phalluses for us to worship yet like the old kings of Judah and Israel did! (That's what an "Asherah pole is) :eek:

But, be prepared to buy your government mandated prayer rugs later though and listen for aaaallllaaaaalleeeeehhhhhhaaaaaaa over the radio three times a day.:)

Clinton brought us lies and everyone liked it, Bush kept his word to the Iraqi people and everyone hated him for it.

Now we've elected another liar in his place because a pleasant lie is easier to swallow than the hard truth.

We can just be thankful that we only have to live under this "authority" for 4-8 years, instead of 20-50 years they had bad kings in the old days.

If you think his outspoken policies are a problem, look a little deeper. this is what I wrote in the other thread:

How about the election of 3-5 radical, liberal judges to the supreme court. Judges who are Anti gun, anti war, pro gay marraige, pro choice, pro late term abortion, etc...

This wont be just "4 years we have to erase from memory". During his first term at least 3 judge seats will open and they will be filled with radical liberals, because now they control everything.

This isnt just "oh my god, he's going to raise my taxes, or lose the war". This is an election that will have a negative impact on all of us for the rest of our lives.

We will have to live with this decision for the rest of our lives.

Thank you Pat and the rest of you who voted for him. If you had the insight to look beyond "4 more years of Bush" you would realize that there's alot more at stake. And im not just picking on Liberals. I dont want a majority of radicals conservatives either. There needs to be a balance, and now there is none.

good luck people.
I respect the office of the presidency. And I will obey whatever laws come out of this presidency.

My mom and I have a long distance telephone bible study every Wednesday morning over the phone for about half an hour. She was up sick all night last night because of the election. Ironically, our bible study was scheduled for Romans 13 this morning.

I'll obey whatever ridiculous laws this fake moderate gets passed and just grit my teeth until it's over. And you can bet that I will be putting money all over the place and donating more than ever to legally keep it out of Obama's hands. (By the way, that is why tax increases on the rich don't work)

I took my mom to 2 Chronicles where it goes through one king after another and first "this one did good in the sight of the Lord" next "this one did evil in the sight of the Lord". This is nothing new, it's been going on for thousands of years.

At least Obama hasn't put up big Phalluses for us to worship yet like the old kings of Judah and Israel did! (That's what an "Asherah pole is) :eek:

But, be prepared to buy your government mandated prayer rugs later though and listen for aaaallllaaaaalleeeeehhhhhhaaaaaaa over the radio three times a day.:)

Clinton brought us lies and everyone liked it, Bush kept his word to the Iraqi people and everyone hated him for it.

Now we've elected another liar in his place because a pleasant lie is easier to swallow than the hard truth.

We can just be thankful that we only have to live under this "authority" for 4-8 years, instead of 20-50 years they had bad kings in the old days.

Even in the bible it states "to seek wish counsel" know McCain has stated himself that he has voted 90% of the time with bush. Not only that he has been one the main information sources for bush in reguards to the war in Iraq. Stating that it would be quick and easy. Most of us can agree that it has not been either of the two. That does not seem to me to be wise counsel at all. But we want the same man to run our country. His campaign was based on belittling Obama, not the issues that we face on a day to day bases. He wants the war to continue. We are not doing anything over there as of now, that is helping. Let the country run itself! Our economy is tanking, while we spend 10 billion dollars a month in Iraq. Thats does not make since! We need someone to shake things up, change the path we are currently on. If not we will be in a depression and who cares if we have a great rig or a million accounts when no one can afford our services.
If you think his outspoken policies are a problem, look a little deeper. this is what I wrote in the other thread:

How about the election of 3-5 radical, liberal judges to the supreme court. Judges who are Anti gun, anti war, pro gay marraige, pro choice, pro late term abortion, etc...

This wont be just "4 years we have to erase from memory". During his first term at least 3 judge seats will open and they will be filled with radical liberals, because now they control everything.

This isnt just "oh my god, he's going to raise my taxes, or lose the war". This is an election that will have a negative impact on all of us for the rest of our lives.

How does a society without guns and where people have the right to choose what is best for their own life and the possible life they are bringing into the world, create a negative impact on all of us for the rest of our lives?

What's wrong with gay marriage? The people are going to be gay, just let them do their thing and stop wasting money and time on stopping it.
How does a society without guns and where people have the right to choose what is best for their own life and the possible life they are bringing into the world, create a negative impact on all of us for the rest of our lives?

What's wrong with gay marriage? The people are going to be gay, just let them do their thing and stop wasting money and time on stopping it.

No guns ? Are you kidding me ? That is our right ! One of the very ones our country was founded upon !

Lets see abortion ? Hummmm "Gods says and I quote "I know the plans I have for you " I dont think he meant getting sucked into oblivion with a vacume. Also God said "I knew you before you were in the womb" Wow that means he had a plan I dont think it was to let someone kill us before we had a chance ? We are responsible and we have free will to make decsions we should as adults be responsible for those decisions. Wheather you know it are not we are all accountable for (all) of our actions.

Gay marriage ? I am not even going to comment ? I will say one word "BABYLON" ! if you dont know read about it we may just be next and electing a "godless man" may just send the wrath of God down on us all.
I love gay people, their some of our best customers!
I've said it before and I'll say it again:

I LOVE the fact that we can have these conversations without being thrown in jail or shipped off to a deserted island.

THAT is what our country was founded on! Now let's all go out and clean something!