New member
Where can you purchase copper sulphate, and what concentration should be used? I was also wondering if you have a price per square foot that you would recommend for walkable roofs and for ones that require a safety rope? I am new to this forum and also the grime scene. I am really enjoying all the imformative posts. BTW Chris I used your apple sauce recipe last week and found that it does clean a lot easier than just SH and soap.
We found this out cleanin a roof with copper gutters!
That is why I said in my original post a roof MUST be rinsed before any copper sulfate treatment is applied to it.
Look at the MSDS for some spray on, let the rain rinse it roof cleaning products ?
Copper Sulfate is the ingrediant.
Back in Seattle, us roofers used to spray mossy roofs with copper sulfate.'
The Moss dies, and the rain and a bit of pressure cleans em right up.
I am fairly confident, though I haven't actually tried it, that one could simply kill the algae on a roof with copper sulfate spray, and the rain wouild eventually clean it, as the dead plant would lose it's grip.
The PROBLEM is that consumers, at least here in Tampa area want instant results.
But make no mistake, copper sulfate is deadly as a killer, and preventer of Mildew and Algae.
Simply spraying a roof with it is not good enough for long term protection.
The rain will simply rinse it away.
What we need is a time release delivery vehicle, like the generic armor all, or a sealer as the other poster suggested.