High Iron Stains.

F9 should of done the trick. ?!?!

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Hi Guys,

Here are the F9 Instructions just to refresh: http://www.front9restoration.com/technical-data/

You will have to go 1:2 Water to F9 to remove the chelated iron stains. If you want to go stronger, go 1/3 gallon of water to 1 gallon of F9. Don't go any stronger than that though or it won't work as well. You MUST pre-clean with your surface cleaner first, allow to dry then go to the application. GO HEAVY, especially on the first coat. On the second coat you can go very light on the areas that don't have stains and do go heavy on the fertilizer rust stains themselves. Allow both coats to dry completely. Mist with water, lightly broom and then lightly rinse off.

Worst case you will be able to remove 80% of any fert rust stain. Sometimes you need to do a 3rd coat after you do the entire process.

Remember that these stains are some of the worst you'll come across so charge accordingly. Spending $1 to $1.50 a foot is still better than having to tear out and replace concrete.

As always, text me if you are having problems or need help. I WILL GET YOU RESULTS!!
Never promise the customer 100% removal. I always tell them anywhere rom 85% to 98%. I have never had a customer that wasn't totally thrilled with the outcome.
LOL. 85% to 98% sounds confusing. Just say "I'll make it look a lot better!" I was frustrated too after my first attempt to remove those exact fert. stains. Here are the mistakes I made. 1. I didn't hit the concrete with enough pressure, because I was worried about etching/marking it. It was a white soft poorly poured slab. You have to surface clean the snot out of it first, really pound it. 2. No mist, make your tip pour it on. In the end, I used 2 cases on a 1,000 sq ft. driveway that was 50% stained. It took about 3 applications over each stain. It was easily a $500 job that I only bid at $200 bc I didn't realize how much chem. it would take. Nevertheless, it was a great job for practice and marketing.
This morning I used f9 to remove heavy iron stains off limestone siding. It worked like a champ! Now its just a matter of finding more customers who are willing to pay the premium for the chemical.
LOL. 85% to 98% sounds confusing. Just say "I'll make it look a lot better!" I was frustrated too after my first attempt to remove those exact fert. stains. Here are the mistakes I made. 1. I didn't hit the concrete with enough pressure, because I was worried about etching/marking it. It was a white soft poorly poured slab. You have to surface clean the snot out of it first, really pound it. 2. No mist, make your tip pour it on. In the end, I used 2 cases on a 1,000 sq ft. driveway that was 50% stained. It took about 3 applications over each stain. It was easily a $800 job that I only bid at $200 bc I didn't realize how much chem. it would take. Nevertheless, it was a great job for practice and marketing.
This morning I used f9 to remove heavy iron stains off limestone siding. It worked like a champ! Now its just a matter of finding more customers who are willing to pay the premium for the chemical.

Ouch when your chemicals cost more then your full bid... bet you won't let that happen again!
LOL. 85% to 98% sounds confusing. Just say "I'll make it look a lot better!"

That is funny, who would think that would be confusing?

I have never been confused when hearing percentages in these kind of situations and none of my customers have ever had a confused look or asked me to explain something because they were confused when telling them percentages on how clean something would be. I guess that saying about assuming would come into play here when assuming people would be confused. O Well.
it makes an ass out u and me

Confused is too strong, but saying I cant promise 100% but i expect to get 90% removed sounds more straightforward. Its funny because 85% and 98% sound like exact measurements are being made. I cant imagine what 85% of a stain removed looks like. Besides 98% is what they will remember.. Most people think in these categories: "Hey it looks better!" Hey that's a lot better!" And "wow! Its all gone!"or Hey, that looks about the same! I thought you said you could remove 98.5%!