HF acid


HF acid

Ron posted one link in "powerwashing" look under :Stainless steel couplers: after the link opens you'll have to look around until you find the one leading to it.

Acid (aluminum brightener)
DANGER !!! High Acid Content (70% acid) Strongest Stuff On The Market.

The 70% is tops.....alot have gone to 39% in their HF aluminum brighteners formulars.

Also noticed another chemical company that handled brighteners in another thread.
The stainless steel couplers holds up will under all chemicals and wear.
I've used them for years but my first ones I think cost around 28 or 32 dallors.They'll last and last over brass,they hold their balls better,hehe or roller bearing as some call them.Would advise to use all S.S. connects and plugs on all the working ends.You can start with plus on all the wands and connects on the end of the working holes,it saves cost that way,,then add as you replace.

and yes HF will do harm to S.S,polished,brass,copper,ect. usless you know how to use but the connects are a different story..
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