hey GREG

Ron P.

I cant get on deckguide as a contractor with the bbs.
What's up? comes up error for the the word YES.
It also said it would have a tech recieve the error info, that was 4 days ago.
ron p

i also posted your web address on a little tiny bbs and after it being on-line for 3 years,they day after i posted your site the admin. shut it down. No loss just wonder if you were the reason?
I received an email yesterday, saying that they are having some problems with the board. Of course I already deleted it, so can't post to show exactly what it said.
DeckGuide.com Deck Ezine Monthy Newsletter. You are recieving this by your own request at www.DeckGuide.com. If your a contractor within our member forums you automatically recieve this each month.
Hi Folks,

It appears we are having database problems again. The system is currently down and we are attempting to rectify the problem asap through our host. We will send out another email as soon as the system is back up.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Greg Rentschler
DeckGuide.com Admin
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