Scott Stone
New member
Funny, a whole thread by guys who don't really have pressure washing businesses.
SSHHH! My wife hasn't figured out yet why I go out late at night, and those checks keep coming in...
Funny, a whole thread by guys who don't really have pressure washing businesses.
OK what is a Ron fantasy rig?
Ok, I give, why the black blocks at the base of the water tank?
All the photos you see I own these machines, I also own the real-estate they reside at. When I say own I mean no mortgage on my commercial locations. I have a small loan for Tax reasons on a property thats valued at 1.2 for 130,000. Its a rental!!!
I'm the largest guy washing sidewalks in this city. I don't know about other city's, if my competitors don't know me or see me I'm ok with that.
I know the important ones do know me, the ones who don't I careless about also.
Funny thing is this person talk to one of my biggest subs, he told him all sorts of lines and did play right into his hand. LOL Said I was a CSMF, told him I know he only has one unit. LOL I was a lowballing hack with a huge internet presence and thats was all i was worth.
What's funny is most here know I have more than one website...LOL
You can just leave that unit at Hydrotek and I'll run down and pick it up directly from them after I win it :yes:
All the photos you see I own these machines, I also own the real-estate they reside at. When I say own I mean no mortgage on my commercial locations. I have a small loan for Tax reasons on a property thats valued at 1.2 for 130,000. Its a rental!!!
I'm the largest guy washing sidewalks in this city. I don't know about other city's, if my competitors don't know me or see me I'm ok with that.
I know the important ones do know me, the ones who don't I careless about also.
Funny thing is this person talk to one of my biggest subs, he told him all sorts of lines and did play right into his hand. LOL Said I was a CSMF, told him I know he only has one unit. LOL I was a lowballing hack with a huge internet presence and thats was all i was worth.
What's funny is most here know I have more than one website...LOL