Helping a brother out

Funny, a whole thread by guys who don't really have pressure washing businesses.

SSHHH! My wife hasn't figured out yet why I go out late at night, and those checks keep coming in...
Some so called leaders have been checking my credentials. Asking various people if I actually own a pressure washing businesses. It was hurtful at first and now its just a joke.

I run circles around all people in this business, sorry if that sounds cocky like DJ but its the truth.

I know that some find it hard to believe while others know.

OK what is a Ron fantasy rig?
I was hoping for so much more, I really wanted to find out about 'fantasy' rigs!
It wouldn't have been so bad it they had just started by asking people who know Ron and who have seen his MANY rigs going, but apparently they either didn't want the truth or they didn't believe that guys like me, Chris, Scott Stone or others out in this area would tell the truth if we were asked because we're all involved in this big coverup for Ron.

I guess we're all in cahoots to pretend like Ron owns a PW business - as if ten years of this board and hundreds of guys helped by his advice wasn't enough.

Instead of asking his friends they began calling Ron's competition from a hotel room in Phoenix. The person who did it knows how I feel about it. I've already made it clear the very first time I had a chance to speak with him face to face. From his reaction it seems he still has some doubt as to whether Ron really has a pressure washing business and still believes Ron is a big fake.

Ron brings some things on himself because he is combative, as I am many times. And checking up on Ron would be a natural thing to do if he p*ssed you off.

But calling his competitors to find out information about him showed a lack of professionalism and judgement.

I used to be a private investigator. I would not call an ex-wife to find out whether or not her former husband is a good husband. She wouldn't be a valid source of information. Neither is one's competitors. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that. BUT, calling one's competitors is a good way to reinforce whatever beliefs you have, especially when you tailor the questions to get a certain answer. And, unfortunately it's a good way to plant seeds of doubt into competitors in a way that can make them zone in on your clients like vultures on a wounded bull.

But apparently this person thinks they got valid information from the competitors and thinks Ron is a big fake. Good. I'm glad. Keep thinking that way. That means that everything you do from this point on will be based on a false premise and will leave you at a competitive disadvantage. That includes the others who were involved who I did not get the opportunity to chat with about this. My number is at the bottom of all my posts. If any of you decide that maybe it was the wrong thing to conduct your investigation give me a call. Until then I'm just going to assume that you think it was the right thing to do and judge your decision making abilities through that filter in the future.

Ron is a big fake. Scott doesn't clean garages. I don't clean filters. We're all internet companies. Pass it on.

PS, I don't agree with everything Ron does either and he will be the first to let you know that I don't pussyfoot around about it with him either.
Wait, if I am an Internet company, does that mean I need to get a website?

Here's the Album to my fake units photos/#!cpZZ5QQtppZZ20
Ok, I give, why the black blocks at the base of the water tank?
All the photos you see I own these machines, I also own the real-estate they reside at. When I say own I mean no mortgage on my commercial locations. I have a small loan for Tax reasons on a property thats valued at 1.2 for 130,000. Its a rental!!!

I'm the largest guy washing sidewalks in this city. I don't know about other city's, if my competitors don't know me or see me I'm ok with that.

I know the important ones do know me, the ones who don't I careless about also.

Funny thing is this person talk to one of my biggest subs, he told him all sorts of lines and did play right into his hand. LOL Said I was a CSMF, told him I know he only has one unit. LOL I was a lowballing hack with a huge internet presence and thats was all i was worth.

What's funny is most here know I have more than one website...LOL
All the photos you see I own these machines, I also own the real-estate they reside at. When I say own I mean no mortgage on my commercial locations. I have a small loan for Tax reasons on a property thats valued at 1.2 for 130,000. Its a rental!!!

I'm the largest guy washing sidewalks in this city. I don't know about other city's, if my competitors don't know me or see me I'm ok with that.

I know the important ones do know me, the ones who don't I careless about also.

Funny thing is this person talk to one of my biggest subs, he told him all sorts of lines and did play right into his hand. LOL Said I was a CSMF, told him I know he only has one unit. LOL I was a lowballing hack with a huge internet presence and thats was all i was worth.

What's funny is most here know I have more than one website...LOL

No spiking the football Ron. :)
All the photos you see I own these machines, I also own the real-estate they reside at. When I say own I mean no mortgage on my commercial locations. I have a small loan for Tax reasons on a property thats valued at 1.2 for 130,000. Its a rental!!!

I'm the largest guy washing sidewalks in this city. I don't know about other city's, if my competitors don't know me or see me I'm ok with that.

I know the important ones do know me, the ones who don't I careless about also.

Funny thing is this person talk to one of my biggest subs, he told him all sorts of lines and did play right into his hand. LOL Said I was a CSMF, told him I know he only has one unit. LOL I was a lowballing hack with a huge internet presence and thats was all i was worth.

What's funny is most here know I have more than one website...LOL

I only saw Rig #3...