Help with letter to businesses/PM

Alright guys, I've kept you waiting long enough. All the things mentioned are important. but, the single most important part of any letter you send is the Post Script, or P.S. You should put your entire summarized message in the P.S. , including any sales, discounts, etc. the P.S. is most often read first, and very often the ONLY part of a letter that is read. think about that when you start writing.
hey Daniel, I would try and cut down on the size of the letter, sometimes to much information is not that good, I would keep it as short and simple as possible so the PM's dont lose interest when they see the letter to long. Its like going to a Restaurant you look at a menu, but you dont want to read thru three or four pages of what the have to offer, you want it short and simple and the food to be good. most of the time you already know what you want.
Once you get the initial info in you can follow up with your sales pitch and the rest of your services.
It might be good to leave your customer intriged with something, that way they might call you first with a question, once you got them on the phone then you can work the rest of your magic and set up an appointment.
Hey, thanks for all the info guys. I'm going to send it out as soon as I get some new business cards that reflect the name change of my business. Has anyone gotten anything from this type of marketing?