Help with creeping vines


New member
I have a customer with an extremely course block building that had a type of creeping vine grow up the side. The vine has been cut off but the "grippers" are still holding tight. He hired a summer washer to clean the building with predictable results. Now he has come back to me asking me to fix the problem. The block is white with red stripes painted on it. I am looking for suggestions regarding technique or soap that will take it off or loosen it's grip. I was thinking heat and a rotary nozzle but am pretty sure it will take off the red paint. Any help would be appreciated.
ive roots on wall

my wife and i just did a house with the same thing and i was wandering if there where any tricks?? the house was painted white over masonite siding and had the same root problem your talking about ...knowing the pw would strip the paint. we ended up scrubing it by hand with mr clean magic erasers. it worked great but took alot of time . more than i planed on ..still made good mony but went to scool at same time nothing like on the job training lol.
Creeping vines

The block is too course to use Mr. Cleans magic erasers, it would tear it up fast. I am thinking worse case it will take a stiff brush and a boat load of elbow grease. Really don't want to do that, too hard on my old body.
I have run into these a few times, best results came from three things:

(1) strong chlorine---the stronger the better

(2) Time,...let dwell, because the chlorine will break down the fibers and soften it up. the more time time better. May also need to reapply several times as these things can be tough.

(3) Rotating nozzle,..if the surface will take it.

As far as damaging painted surfaces,....there may be a trade-off in some of these cases. Sometimes there is no easy answer and the customer must decide whether they want the work done or not.

I know exactly what you guys are talking about - and we had a hell of a time with these things. We finally gave up, because NOTHING was working, Not brushing, not soaking them with chems...nothing. I even called Russ and Ron from the jobsite to pick their brains. Now when I see those I just turn down the job.
I know exactly what you guys are talking about - and we had a hell of a time with these things. We finally gave up, because NOTHING was working, Not brushing, not soaking them with chems...nothing. I even called Russ and Ron from the jobsite to pick their brains. Now when I see those I just turn down the job.

yes yes yes.... and

(3) Rotating nozzle,..if the surface will take it.

I had the same problem with a house I did last month. I told the home owner that I might not get them all off without alot of paint damage. The home owner told me to do my best. I was able to get lot of them off but some remaind when I was done with the job. The owner was still happy because the house looked good even with a few vine fingers remaining. My suggestion, tell the home owner before you do the job, that it is almost impossible to remove all the vine debris but you will do your best. If they still want you to do the job, at least you did the right thing and informed them first. Hugh