Help deciding


New member
I am returning to the pressure washing /window cleaning/parking lot striping buisness and i'm trying to decide which machine to go with. I must say as of now i am leaning towards landa for the money. The landa is a pghw [has generator] 3500@ 5gpm the alkota is a 5355e-p 12 volt painted model 3500@5gpm. The landa seems to have more features for only an $800.00 difference. Any opinions or experiences on either machine?
Landa ,Landa ,Landa=
I concur. For an $800 difference AND a generator, you can't beat it. That is, unless the Alkota is $8,000.00...
If you got a good Landa guy near you like I do it would be an easy choice . LANDA is the best