Hello all


Just saying hello to everyone. Hope you all are well. Havent posted in awhile been busy doing this and that.
Got some cobwebs in here.

Is that crickets I hear?
Good Morning Tim,
I guess you didn't have any jobs last night...
That was a good one, Tim how are yah man.

Did the TGP guys invite you in yet. I'm sure if they havent they will today.

Everyone that comes here either gets in or get thrown out.

Your not allowed to associate with PWI if your a TGP guy.

Glad to have you stop by, always welcome here.
Never trying to start something, just saw you asking them in a thread if you could view the rest of the bbs?

Anyway, welcome to PWI. your always welcome here. I can't start anything, just having a good time and funin with yah.

I have a problem with them and they have a problem with me. Its over and done, the statement your refering to was written by MB, if you associate with me dont talk with them.

On PWI you can hate me, i dont care. if I'm keeping you away from the BBS you started thats a shame..

PWI is not forever and belongs to everyone that makes it a place to source the best information. That info can be resourced anyplace.

I urge members to go everywhere and get info from all over the planet.

If you feel like sharing? share... if you want to keep it private? keep it..

PWI is easy....
You trying to start something?;)

I was wondering if you where aloud to talk with us? hello, how yah been? I have not seen you or alot of the grease guys in awhile.

Alot call me and complain About the fourm being slower do to the TGP opening.

Its slowly coming back with a few guys, The grease section was half of the activity on PWI but about 2% of traffic. I realize some still dont understand the numbers.

1100 ip aday, three grease guys that made up 50% of the activity on the BBS.

PWI is now stronger and better than its ever BEEN.

Welcome Back,