Heavy rust on burner housing


New member
Anyone know how to remove heavy rust and soot on the outer stainless steel burner housing. I've tried using the SOS pads with the soap with no luck.

Its probably burn marks form the inside out. Are they brown like, if so you need insulation
It does seem like from the inside out. They burner has had no maintenance even before I purchased it. I'm guessing the burner is easy to service?

Yes stainless steel does get surface rust if not maintaned, and is a !@#$ to get off when there for long time. The guy I bought it off only maintaned the bare minimum...
Stainless will rust especially if it's exposed to harsh chemical fumes (acids, chlorine, etc.). Tanker trailers rust inside after carrying harsh materials, and the tank wash companies do a procedure called passification. They circulate a hydrofluoric acid based solution in the tank, and ,as was described to me, basically drive the carbon steel back in to the tank material, stopping the rust. I use hydrofluoric based aluminum brightener when I recondition a pressure washer to clean up the stainless.
Russ you might want to caution him about using any hydrofluoric based aluminum brightener with out proper PPE or knowlege before doing anything.
Thanks for the info... I'll be checking out the insulation in the burner tomorrow...