Heat stroke! Be careful out there!

Great post kory thanks for posting info.

Stay cool everyone hope everyone has a productive day.
Water and Gatoraid. If you wait till you are thirsty you have waited too late. I got over heated a few years back and still felt the effects a month later. Ouy can become overheated before you realize it. It you quit sweating you are all ready in trouble.
Happened to me yesterday. Could only stand up for a couple minutes at a time before feeling like I was going to pass out. I started to drive home and thought I was going to pass out so I pulled over and called Russ Spence to let him know I wasn't sure if I could drive home. Russ offered to come and get me, but like a fool I waited for about 20 minutes and finally was able to drive home.

On the way home I stopped at the gas station to get some more water and once I got out of the truck my legs started cramping and just barely was able to get back in the truck. When I finally got home I had to have my son take my boots off. That's when the fun really started. As soon as I sat down both legs started cramping, both feet, both hands, my right forearm and even my neck. For about the next hour I had 4-5 cramps going on at the same time and my son had to keep pressure on my feet so I could tolerate the cramps.

Tried to do a house wash this morning, I got it done but it was a struggle. Still feeling the effects, not a lot of energy. Was a little scary and should have went to the hospital and got an I-V. Like most guys I thought I could handle just about anything, but his just about kicked my butt.
Mark, glad you are ok. Take a few days and rest man. Your customers will understand. Hope your drinking lot's of water.
Wow Glad you are ok i bet that was scary as crap.You can add salt to the gatorade and drink it.Take in just as much water as you do gatorade and you will be fine.That g2 gatorade has about 1/2 the sugar as the other.I was super hot the other day i did an experiment with my blood sugar.I stopped working and drank a 20z pepsi took blood sugar it was 158.Twenty min later it dropped down to 80.That was neat that the body sucked that sugar in so fast.
Only here on PWI can we have human experiments. Lol. Hal, your killing me.
You can't be too careful out there.

I keep an ice chest in the back of the truck with water and gatorade, I put ice in it everyday that I work so the helper and I have something to keep hydrated during the day.

The ice melts usually around noon but typically before 3pm, I need a better ice chest.

If it gets any hotter I think that the ice chest will start melting. hahahahaha

Keep hydrated guys.
This past Friday one of my guys fell out about 10 am with what we thought was a seizure but it was actually a heat stroke. He stopped breathing for three min. and we had to do CPR on him. Right before the ambulance came he started to breath on his own again. It took him 4 hrs. to become completely re-oriented. The only thing the doctors could figure out was he was severely dehydrated and that is what they believe caused the seizures. After talking to him today I found out he had been out drinking the night before and that day all he had was caffeine.
This past Friday one of my guys fell out about 10 am with what we thought was a seizure but it was actually a heat stroke. He stopped breathing for three min. and we had to do CPR on him. Right before the ambulance came he started to breath on his own again. It took him 4 hrs. to become completely re-oriented. The only thing the doctors could figure out was he was severely dehydrated and that is what they believe caused the seizures. After talking to him today I found out he had been out drinking the night before and that day all he had was caffeine.

He is very lucky that you knew how to perform CPR. For those of you who do not know, CPR has changed. When most of us learned CPR in school it was something like 5 chest compressions and then give 2 breaths. About 18 months ago I was in a situation where I needed to perform CPR and when we called 911 they informed us the recommended way to do CPR now was to give 30 chest compressions as fast as you could, then give 2 breaths. Unfortunately in my case the person did not survive we simply got to them too late

I think that I have heard of CPR techniques that do not involve giving breaths at all and only using chest compressions. We should all take a few minutes to brush up on CPR Techniques. Never know when someone's life might depend on it
Yep! Its getting to that time of year again. We have already seen a few days where it was in the 90' s. I have noticed that we are going through more Gatorade and water. I think its gonna be another real hot summer. Stay safe!!!
Back in March we had some days that hit 93 degrees.

It is getting hotter and hotter out there, keep hydrated guys.