HD-80 / KEC Blow Out!

Russell Cissell

I received word last week that one of our largest contract clients is closing their doors permanently!

This is leaving me with quite an excess of a number of raw materials. Rather than inventory them for the winter, I want to liquidate them ASAP. With the excess we have on hand it makes the most sense to produce HD-80.

With this overage, we can produce just over 2300 LBS of HD-80. It is all going into 10lb Contractor tubs. It will all be sold at Wholesale/Dealer pricing. Starting Monday, if you order any regular priced item, you will get as much HD-80 as you like at WHOLESALE pricing.

If you order 150 LB or more, you get Wholesale pricing plus FREE FREIGHT!

Because we don't publish dealer pricing, this is phone only special. It will also only last until this batch (230+/- units) is gone. I can guarantee you will never see a deal like this on HD-80 so stock up now!

For more information contact Russell Cissell at 636-288-8512.

If you do any kind of Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning or Heavy Duty Degreasing, I can also make some excellent deals on both our liquid degreaser concentrate (Grease Release HD) and our powdered booster for the absolute worst baked on grime. (Vent Clean) Also makes an excellent "Boil Out" for deep fat firers.

If you can receive truck freight and bulk packaging, we should talk. Serious inquiries only please, this stuff has got to move!