Having a hard time

Kelvin T Felton

New member
I was wondering what little trick or remedy you guys are using when replacing rubber o-ring at the tip of your gun. I replaced mine and now I am having a hard time securing and unsecuring my nozzle tips whenever I change them. All advice or tips will be greatly appreciated.
I always put a little wd 40 every once and a while.. Get stainless plugs and female connectors they last longer and are alot smoother in hookin up.. I only use the 3/8 orings on the hose ... I dont quick disconnect nozzles those 1/4 inch o rings dont hold up to hot water...I just have a bunch of guns and wands .. right now I have 6 -st2000's 12 inch wand on one , 24 inch wand on one, 36 inch wand on one , 48 inch wand on one , soap nozzle on 36 inch wand on another, bent wand on one for hood cleaning grease troufs,on the end of my hose I have a 3/8 Sutner High Pressure Valve ...This way no need for 1/4inch o rings... plus it looks good with all the wands lined up on the back of my trailer ( ON THE BIG JOBS ) lol
Go to Wal-mart and get a 4 pack that look like these. There will be one inside there with a crook on the end, that is the one you need. Don't have a pic of the tool. It is in the trailer.


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Go online to Sunbrite Supply or PressureTek and get an "o-ring tool". It is under $10 and is alot easier to use than something with a large handle, at least in my opinion. It looks like something a dentist might use. Also if you are working at night, I'd recommend getting a lamp with a headband out of the hunting section at Walmart or somewhere similar. It may sound funny to say but if it has an adjustable position it makes getting good light down into the quick connect so much easier.
Go to your local flea market and get some medium sized hemostats with the curved tips...medical clamps. I use mine constantly. Shove them in against the o ring. A quick squeeze pinches the rubber. Then give them a pull. I hate digging with an o ring pick if the ring has been there a while or has hardened up.

My daughter asked me why I had "roach clips" in my toolbox. I told her to a doctor, they're hemostats, to me, they'e o ring pullers, and to pot heads, they're roach clips.

Then I asked her how she knew about roach clips...lol
I Keep a can of spray silicone it lubricates very well,I also use only viton o-rings they last longer against chemical and hot water. I only use SS quick connects of the Hansen Brand.
Make sure when you pull the old o-ring out you remove it all. It sounds like there is a piece still in there forcing your new o-ring out or up which makes it hard to remove and set your tip.

Also be sure it is the right size, some are fatter than others and be sure it is in the groove all the way.
Dentist pick is the best tool ever to remove o-rings.

On the subject of o-rings I use viton o-rings from an online vendor and they go out quick. Some days I need 3 1/4" rings at my gun lance conection. Granted I am using 200 degree heat if not more, no chems.
Whos are you guys using and how do they hold up.
Everything that we buy here I test BEFORE I purchase to insure it all QC's. It is absolutely ridiculolus that I have to do this. Make it here. Lets get some Quality Control back.