Has this / can this be done?

I am passionate bout doing my job really well, and at the lowest cost possible, for anyone that wants to do business with me.
I post edgy stuff sometimes to help readers see I bring detail and explanation..
Hopefully, my posts in here makes them more confident they can approach people like me, and get a helping hand, instead of wasted time.

I have seen where a guy "read a suggestion" in a forum, and built a fancy waste of time,
..and then, couldn't afford to get what he really needed for many many months.
the "cool tool" is only a cool tool if a designer designs it, and he gets a deposit on it, and it actually works..
I have "done the math" on MANY systems that failed to meet our reliability and "Long-Term-Low-Cost" criteria..
..and they were squelched on the drawing board.
I wouldn't recommend a system which would waste 20% or more in Hp/fuel cost,
.. so you're not going to see me build a hydraulic drive between a small engine, and a water pump,
.. unless you want to change it from higher flow with lower pressure, to higher pressure with lower flow.
.. and even then, I'm going o point out the cost difference between 2 other methods which do NOT waste HP/fuel-cost

The internet is what it is.. an enormous pool of readily available information from which you can make "your best opportunity at productive decisions".
Short sided people will still stop at what they "think" they want, and open-minded people will still have questions for "a technical guy"..
..because wasting money or time is always a bad thing.
'nuff said.

Jerry, I always enjoy your posts and I truly appreciate your passion for our industry.

So are there any technological advancements that you see that might be coming down the pike? For example, noise pollution is a big deal here in Portland. Fuel savings, etc.
SoundProofing is one of my special projects in this past year.
call me for details

as for fuel savings.. go fuel Injection !
..Subaru 28hp or Kohler 29Hp
If everyone thought that way, the internet would not exist today to have this discussion. I've researched 3 technologies that could have a huge impact on the pressure washing industry. The problem is, no one has applied any of them to this industry to realize their enormous benefits over current technologies. One of the main problems is actually having the money to do R&D to produce a functioning product.

Imagine having a 10 GPM hot water system small enough to fit in a standard pickup bed toolbox for less than $2000. The technology already exist, but it hasn't been developed (I suppose) due to the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality.
I agree. It's kind of sad when we can't discuss technology without ruffling someone's feathers.

I suppose we just need to not think out the box and let the "Professors" tell us exactly what we need! lol
technology is a journey, NOT a destination..
if you are a "cleaning specialist", let's discuss what your jobsite requires,
and what you envision a cool tool to be, and tell us what you've tried (in detail).
..Then, "equipment specialists" and the "equipment savvy" can join in for collective brainstorming.

And don't be surprised when someone wants to squelch an idea which can confuse the less savvy,
or waste someone's time.

Hopefully, I have not wasted my time here, for the dozens or hundreds of people which will read this thread.
There would be quite a loss of efficiency trying to run a hydraulic pump then drive a pressure pump. Not saying it can't be done but just not as efficiently as completely eliminating the hydraulics. Now there might be some merit to that driving it from the truck. But to try to hook two 13hp motors up to a hyd pump and then a water pump is just a Rube Goldberg machine.