Awe..that's so sweet.. You two hooking up like that...
Doug Rucker Roundtable Host 2009 Dec 10, 2013 #21 Awe..that's so sweet.. You two hooking up like that...
Tony Shelton BS Detector, Esquire Dec 10, 2013 #22 This is the longest birthday thread ever. Let's keep it up and we can just combine it with next year's. Lol Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
This is the longest birthday thread ever. Let's keep it up and we can just combine it with next year's. Lol Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
Larry Millette Member Dec 10, 2013 #23 Don't be a hater... I am more than willing to let any and all of you buy me dinner. Just tell me where and when. (Kory stay out of this. I'm not going to Arby's for my B Day. )
Don't be a hater... I am more than willing to let any and all of you buy me dinner. Just tell me where and when. (Kory stay out of this. I'm not going to Arby's for my B Day. )