Apple Roof Cleaning
Roof Cleaning Instructor
i used to be a gain/dish soap guy...but same would happen to me, works good on siding and flat work, but on roofs would just run off like pure water. I would even go as far as adding close to half a gallon if not more and it would work some what better but still more run off than I liked.
Then the next day I would have to amp the bleach up because average dish soap deterates the mix. There were even times I could see it not working as well at the end of the day and would have to boost it a lil bit to perform as it was earlier in the day.
then I bought a gallon of roof snot to try, and after the first use I was sold!! Clings like crazy and foams twice as good for siding and flat work, as well as takes less product to achieve the results. I instantly came home and ordered 2 5ers.
I make 200 gallons of mix everyday, and unlike before I never have to boost the product because snot doesnot deterate my mix. Works just as good 2-3 days later.
Before i I would go to several stores and straight buy them out of the soap I liked, sometimes making 3 trips a week, now I make an order when I get down to about 2-3 gallons. At my door step in 3 days, just the time and effort I save from running around after work to restock the truck is well worth it.
So for all that have not tried it, order a gallon or quart to will never by dish soap or another foaming additive again
Here is the MSDS for Gain, and as can be clearly seen, it will NOT degrade your mix.
In fact, Gain Ultra Dishsoap has Ammonyx LO IN it.
It is unconditionally stable, and the MSDS lists nothing to avoid, meaning it is safe to mix with anything.