Gum Shadows


New member
We did a job a few days ago with alot of gum. We were successful with removing the gum, however there were several areas that left shadows from the old gum that had been there a long time. Spoke with the PM this morning, he would like to have the shadows removed. I read one post about using SH, has anybody been successful with this? Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!
The holy grail, just figure that out and then ... retire. Regular cleaning, you'll get those spots the next time after oxygen and sunlight has broken them down. If your cleaning quarterly or more thats the way to eliminate spots. Still curious about the factors that affect the gum spotting - temp, texture of cement, sugar free..?
We did a job a few days ago with alot of gum. We were successful with removing the gum, however there were several areas that left shadows from the old gum that had been there a long time. Spoke with the PM this morning, he would like to have the shadows removed. I read one post about using SH, has anybody been successful with this? Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

Honestly, I never garnette that shadows will be removed when removing old gum. I think I read the same post you did. I have had success applying sodium hydroxide to the concrete after getting the gum up, and then running a surface cleaner over it. Good results, not 100%, charge more.
The holy grail, just figure that out and then ... retire. Regular cleaning, you'll get those spots the next time after oxygen and sunlight has broken them down. If your cleaning quarterly or more thats the way to eliminate spots. Still curious about the factors that affect the gum spotting - temp, texture of cement, sugar free..?

Tom, have you noticed old gum spots getting much lighter up after repeated cleanings?
Ours seem to go away on regular maintenance (less than quarterly). some of our 15 day accounts that were covered in gum are now shadow free. I think our mix also helps with moving out some of the oil left behind
Back in the day we used a spray bottle of coil cleaner , basically aluminum brightner , after getting the gum up if it left a stain we would spray a little acid on it and it would remove the stain.. I also think heat plays a big part in cleaning up bubble gum stains.. Some of the guys around here that clean with cold water rigs , if they do get the gum up you can bet they will leave a stain