great link on TCN

thanks for repying

ron as sometimes you wonder if you did the right thing as people look but dont say if its any use to them good or bad, it would give you a idea of what to post. if evryone just looked and did'nt post where would the bbs be...anyway off for a read.

cheers paul.
Paul, that links is great. I’m still reading it. Sorry if you feel I should say so, I kind of thought by directing people towards it said it all.

I just wanted some of my friends to see it, Scotty. That’s the one marketing link I was telling you about. Kind of a refresher for you mind. Thanks Paul for sharing.

no not you ron you do a great job, i meant it would be helpful to any poster if they knew the link they had put up was of use to someone and would post anything else along the same lines that they come across.

keep up the good work ron.

cheers paul.

Don't you only do flatwork??? Have you ever tried selling your 888-fleetwash number?? I bet you could make a lot of money selling that number. Just noticed it and thought i'd mention it.
