Video applying the remover
This is after the chemicals applied
In the field use On actual Tagged wall
Looks like elephant snot, and yes, that is a product name.
Wow that came off like a breeze! Where would I get some of that surfacetek product at ron? and would that pull off paint off a painted wall? or does it just remove the graffiti?
Hi Guys,
I am new to the forum, I work for Bracton SoSafe Inc (Branch of SoSafe, Australia) we are a graffiti remover manufacturer based in Anaheim, CA. We have been manufacturing graffiti removers since 1985. While our gear is popular in Australia, Europe & California, I would like to get an insight into what you look for in a graffiti remover? Any input is welcome. Attached is some of the work we did in Spain last year. If your interested I can send you our training manual (via email) which shows methods to approach graffiti and mold removal.
View attachment 18128
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