Goodbye America

We need a complete return back to the constitution.

The problem is, there are too many uneducated (purposefully through public schools) who believe the constitution is outdated and needs to be "made to fit" our age.

My daughter is in public school this year because we live "supposedly" next to the best elementary school in the county. So we thought we'd give it a shot for a year. It is an awesome school for the most part. She can read an easy version of the bible already and she's just finished the first grade. She can already spell better than 90% of all pressure washers :D.

BUT - they sent her home with all kinds of drawings, colorings, and practically an entire packet of joy regarding the savior Obama about three weeks before the election. They are teaching her so much junk about saving the earth I expect her to start eating her own p**p pretty soon so she doesn't consume any natural resources.

Why does all this belong in first grade? It's indoctrination and brainwashing.

By the time they get to high school they have forgotten how to read, but they sure know how to confront their parents' "stupidity" because their parents aren't fooled by the latest government hoax i.e. global warming.

We need leaders who will throw themselves on the gauntlet. And we need more than one. Eventually they will find a following if they step out and show no fear like the founding fathers did.

The NEA national education Accociation was supporting Obama before Hillary Clinton had evene dropped out so they ( they main teachers voice in the US) are behind his agenda 100%
Don't think that it is the "uneducated" who are pushing for constitutional changes . I have a neighbor who is a main editor of one of the most widely read congressional reporting papapers in the US and he said the same thing.