Getting to Property Managers


New member
This is for all of the PM gurus out there. Ron, Jeff are you listening?

Before I got into pressure washing, I worked as a handyman for a condo complex under a property management co. What I saw over and over was that people would complain about this or that needing to be fixed. But it was always the squeaky wheel that got the grease. The ones who complained the loudest and most often got their problems fixed first.

Now that I'm almost ready to get the ball rolling and start targeting the PMs, would it not be a good idea to target the HOAs too? After all, it's their money that pays for my services. If I got them thinking the property needs to be cleaned (especially the President & the rest of the Board), then they would ask the PM co. to put it in the budget.

Anyone see any problems with me targeting both the PM co. and the HOA?

Joel - I know that this is an old post, but I see no problem whatsoever with this.... I actually am getting my HOA list ready today. I have about 145 HOA's & Management Companies on my list. We have about 5 right now and would love to get more......
Go to condo complexes and ask residents who their HOA Prez is & PM company, see if you can get their tele#. Make up an unsolicited bid for the buildings and give it to them

Also I don't target complexes that are REAL moldy or dirty. I go for the complexes that are slightly in need or that are well kept. Those are the properties who care about their properties. They spend money to keep it looking good. I don't even bother with apartment complexes, they are usually dirty and hold out on cleaning

Nothing wrong with going after HOA's. Just don't put down the PM company by saying anything negative about them either