Gas station canopy

why would you want to spread out a loss? why would you want the word loss to even be in your vocab

dj I was Joking about the loss ....also it pays 400 per location 1200
total minus 300 for rental of lift for 1 week leaves 900 minus gas etc
about 700 .....2 nights 350 per night and I have the lift for 3 extra days for free
also I sub-contract to different companys here ( actualy anyone ) I don't have to advertise etc and they are charging more ( good for them)
but that does'nt bother me at all and they never have to worry about me taking the work directly
dj I was Joking about the loss ....also it pays 400 per location 1200
total minus 300 for rental of lift for 1 week leaves 900 minus gas etc
about 700 .....2 nights 350 per night and I have the lift for 3 extra days for free
also I sub-contract to different companys here ( actualy anyone ) I don't have to advertise etc and they are charging more ( good for them)
but that does'nt bother me at all and they never have to worry about me taking the work directly

Im still lost
we do them for 400.00 no matter the size but they are done twice a year and in conjunction with a minimum of 4 concrete cleanings a year as well, 96 stations x 2000.00 each per year = $192,000 a year gross (thats volume pricing)

How large a geographic region Russ?

The average time to complete one, the square footage and with how many 5.5 gpms units (that is what you use correct?) ?
How large a geographic region Russ?

The average time to complete one, the square footage and with how many 5.5 gpms units (that is what you use correct?) ?

these are all in side the state of Alabama , I dont even know the square footage , it really does not matter we do these on averages and we can do 10 to 15 stations depending on size in a day at an avg of 300 per not including canopies, when we do canopies we take 5 machines and when only doing flatwork we take 3 machines

But this is not what we do, our main focus now is on shopping centers, malls and food service locations, we do shopping centers and malls from Louisiana to Maryland
I have 3 different gas station canopies comming up no flat work just canopies
Ive search only posts 2002 was last info I could find
Question is they want top and bottom cleaned looks like lift for sure but what if I talk them out of cleaning the top of the canopy What do you use x-jet or long gun or brush or lift 150@ day (Job pays 400 per canopy)
and yes I do cover gas pumps whenever I clean

Thats was Nasty