Fuel Prices!!

China is now drilling off the shore of Florida closer to it than American companies are allowed to drill. They are partnering with Cuba to do it. America could be a large player on the world stage for oil production IF we allowed US companies to drill where they need to and build new refineries.
China is now drilling off the shore of Florida closer to it than American companies are allowed to drill. They are partnering with Cuba to do it. America could be a large player on the world stage for oil production IF we allowed US companies to drill where they need to and build new refineries.

Whats a PITA is both presidential candidates are saying if the state says OK they would look into drilling of the Florida shore, but they know at least for now, no one state wants drilling off their shores. I hear Alaskians welcome drilling

man I wish we could open it all up, and say screw Chavez & Saudi's. except the oil companies would probably find a way to keep screwing us
A friend of mine just quit his job becuase he was driving 3 1/2 hours round trip every day. He said he was spending nearly 3/4 of his take home on gas just to drive to and from work. He's in a tough spot, but even a part time local job will leave him with more cash at the end of the week. That is a sad state of affairs for our country.
I was watching the news the other day. They were interviewing an independent trucker. He said he had to park his rig and start looking for a new profession because on two of his last three jobs, he lost money after paying for his own diesel. And the little bit he made on the third job didn't make up for what he lost on the other two.
My personal budget has changed drastically over the past 6 months. I have to think about every expense now. If I pay this, will I have enough cash left to put gas in the truck? I am still able to pay my bills on time, but it is getting harder every month. I'll do whatever I have to in order to get through this, but it is difficult.
My wife is quitting her job in July. She has 2 kids lined up for daycare and as close as we can calculate she will be about $50 a week ahead of where she is right now. She isn't real happy about going back to providing home daycare, but we are all making tough choices right now.
EVERYBODY CALL, WRITE, EMAIL YOU ELECTED OFFICIALS & PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES its an election year, this is the time to hammer them, over & over & over. Call the whitehouse email the Prez. tell everyone you know to do the same

If you want drilling, tell them, if you want alternative, tell them, if you want to blow up the middle east , tell them!!!!! We have to ALL tell them. Its easy to look up your reps just do a search

We have to stand up, if we have to take emergency measures lets take them, many people are screwed now and hurting, many more will be if it keeps going up as it is. Believe me your business is being effected already, you are already loosing money on calls you aren't even getting now. I know I have lost $$$ to lost or postponed projects. Am I doing alright are you doing alright, you may not if a whole world of crap comes down on us in the next several months & years, this isnt just a short term thing, its been coming for a long time, we might scoot through it this time, we might not

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Guys, think outside the box. We aren't lowering prices.. But raising them on the new customers. Use the fuel costs to your advantage. Most of the guys that were charging too little are raising prices on customers now. Use this to get the phone to ring. Here is a sample of a flyer (My Cleaning Service) we're printing now and a similar one for other business interest we have. Not original but we think it will get the phone to ring and give us a chance to sell.

Note... I had to shrink the file, the original is higher quality.


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