Fuel Prices!!

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
We will be looking at $5.00 plus a gallon by 4th of july. They are predicting near $7.00 a gallon buy the end of the year :mad: .

Just wondering what everyone will do to off set this mess we got ourselves into? This has been comming for along time now, and we are faced with the reality of a fuel crisis that will cripple the infastructure of this country.

We can only get so much out of our clients, they are feeling this as much as we are, I truly think that this country is going to be in a world of $hit real soon...any thoughts...
Dr. Paul’s Writings › Big Government Responsible for High Gas Prices
Source: http://www.ronpaul2008.com/articles/1146/big-government-responsible-for-high-gas-prices/


Basic economics says that when government restricts the supply of a good, the price will increase. Yet Congress continues to reject simple measures that could increase the supply of oil. For example, Congress refuses to allow reasonable, environmentally sensitive, offshore drilling. Congress also refuses to remove the numerous regulatory hurdles that add to the prohibitively expensive task of constructing new refineries. Building a new refinery requires billions of dollars in capital investment. It can take several years just to obtain the necessary federal permits. Even after the permits are obtained, construction of a refinery may still be delayed or even halted by frivolous lawsuits. It is no wonder that there has not been a new refinery constructed in the United States since 1976.


by Ron Paul, Dr. May 4, 2008

In the past few months, American workers, consumers, and businesses have experienced a sudden and dramatic rise in gasoline prices. In some parts of the country, gasoline costs as much as $4 per gallon. Some politicians claim that the way to reduce gas prices is by expanding the government’s power to regulate prices and control the supply of gasoline. For example, the House of Representatives has even passed legislation subjecting gas station owners to criminal penalties if they charge more than a federal bureaucrat deems appropriate. Proponents of these measures must have forgotten the 1970s, when government controls on the oil industry resulted in gas lines and shortages. It was only after President Reagan lifted federal price controls that the gas lines disappeared.

Instead of imposing further restraints on the market, Congress should consider reforming the federal policies that raise gas prices. For example, federal and state taxes can account for as much as a third of what consumers’ pay at the pump. The Federal Government’s boom-and-bust monetary policy also makes consumers vulnerable to inflation and to constant fluctuations in the prices of essential goods such as oil. It is no coincidence that oil prices first became an issue shortly after President Nixon unilaterally severed the dollar’s last link to gold.

Basic economics says that when government restricts the supply of a good, the price will increase. Yet Congress continues to reject simple measures that could increase the supply of oil. For example, Congress refuses to allow reasonable, environmentally sensitive, offshore drilling. Congress also refuses to remove the numerous regulatory hurdles that add to the prohibitively expensive task of constructing new refineries. Building a new refinery requires billions of dollars in capital investment. It can take several years just to obtain the necessary federal permits. Even after the permits are obtained, construction of a refinery may still be delayed or even halted by frivolous lawsuits. It is no wonder that there has not been a new refinery constructed in the United States since 1976.

Last year, in order to provide the American people with relief from high oil prices, I introduced the Affordable Gas Price Act (H.R. 2415). This legislation protects the American people from gas price spikes by suspending the federal gas tax whenever the national average gas price exceeds $3.00 per gallon. The Affordable Gas Price Act also expands the supply of gasoline by repealing the federal moratorium on offshore drilling, including in the ANWR reserve in Alaska . HR 2415 also provides tax incentives and protection from nuisance lawsuits for those seeking to build new refineries. Finally, HR 2415 authorizes a federal study on the link between our nation’s monetary policy and the price of oil.

The free market can meet the American people’s demand for a reliable supply of gasoline as long as government does not distort the market through excessive taxation and regulation. Therefore, Congress should lower gas prices by pursuing an agenda of low taxes, regulatory relief, and sound money by passing legislation such as my Affordable Gas Act.
Thanks for that Matt. Very intresting..
We will be looking at $5.00 plus a gallon by 4th of july. They are predicting near $7.00 a gallon buy the end of the year :mad: .

Just wondering what everyone will do to off set this mess we got ourselves into? This has been comming for along time now, and we are faced with the reality of a fuel crisis that will cripple the infastructure of this country.

We can only get so much out of our clients, they are feeling this as much as we are, I truly think that this country is going to be in a world of $hit real soon...any thoughts...

I agree, whats coming could cripple all of us or at least hurt us all

I raise my rates, they are looking somewhere else. I have PM's that only use me and some have had to start taking other bids, they told me the HOA's wanted it, I have lost several projects. I will have good growth this year , but not as much as I could have if the gas & economy was better

World of *%it is right. There are NO good #'s out there and its turning into a WORLD recession whether you want to call it recession or not, its a large problem

I wish we could get out of Iraq quick and put that money to use here . I heard for every (1) billion Dollars we spend on infrastructure, bridges, roads etc etc etc it puts 40,000 people to work, can you imagine if we started a HUGE ROADS/Infrastructure program country wide with the Iraq war money how many people we could give GOOD PAYING jobs to. The consumer is who drives this economy and now they have no money to drive anything, put real jobs and money to the average American , they will spend and bring this economy back, but we need some major bold and smart changes
Larry giving Estimates 2008.jpg
I never knew pinellas county was soooo big but man Im saving fuel! Off on another estimate! Yippi....
Dr. Paul’s Writings › Big Government Responsible for High Gas Prices
Source: http://www.ronpaul2008.com/articles/1146/big-government-responsible-for-high-gas-prices/


Basic economics says that when government restricts the supply of a good, the price will increase. Yet Congress continues to reject simple measures that could increase the supply of oil. For example, Congress refuses to allow reasonable, environmentally sensitive, offshore drilling. Congress also refuses to remove the numerous regulatory hurdles that add to the prohibitively expensive task of constructing new refineries. Building a new refinery requires billions of dollars in capital investment. It can take several years just to obtain the necessary federal permits. Even after the permits are obtained, construction of a refinery may still be delayed or even halted by frivolous lawsuits. It is no wonder that there has not been a new refinery constructed in the United States since 1976.


by Ron Paul, Dr. May 4, 2008

In the past few months, American workers, consumers, and businesses have experienced a sudden and dramatic rise in gasoline prices. In some parts of the country, gasoline costs as much as $4 per gallon. Some politicians claim that the way to reduce gas prices is by expanding the government’s power to regulate prices and control the supply of gasoline. For example, the House of Representatives has even passed legislation subjecting gas station owners to criminal penalties if they charge more than a federal bureaucrat deems appropriate. Proponents of these measures must have forgotten the 1970s, when government controls on the oil industry resulted in gas lines and shortages. It was only after President Reagan lifted federal price controls that the gas lines disappeared.

Instead of imposing further restraints on the market, Congress should consider reforming the federal policies that raise gas prices. For example, federal and state taxes can account for as much as a third of what consumers’ pay at the pump. The Federal Government’s boom-and-bust monetary policy also makes consumers vulnerable to inflation and to constant fluctuations in the prices of essential goods such as oil. It is no coincidence that oil prices first became an issue shortly after President Nixon unilaterally severed the dollar’s last link to gold.

Basic economics says that when government restricts the supply of a good, the price will increase. Yet Congress continues to reject simple measures that could increase the supply of oil. For example, Congress refuses to allow reasonable, environmentally sensitive, offshore drilling. Congress also refuses to remove the numerous regulatory hurdles that add to the prohibitively expensive task of constructing new refineries. Building a new refinery requires billions of dollars in capital investment. It can take several years just to obtain the necessary federal permits. Even after the permits are obtained, construction of a refinery may still be delayed or even halted by frivolous lawsuits. It is no wonder that there has not been a new refinery constructed in the United States since 1976.

Last year, in order to provide the American people with relief from high oil prices, I introduced the Affordable Gas Price Act (H.R. 2415). This legislation protects the American people from gas price spikes by suspending the federal gas tax whenever the national average gas price exceeds $3.00 per gallon. The Affordable Gas Price Act also expands the supply of gasoline by repealing the federal moratorium on offshore drilling, including in the ANWR reserve in Alaska . HR 2415 also provides tax incentives and protection from nuisance lawsuits for those seeking to build new refineries. Finally, HR 2415 authorizes a federal study on the link between our nation’s monetary policy and the price of oil.

The free market can meet the American people’s demand for a reliable supply of gasoline as long as government does not distort the market through excessive taxation and regulation. Therefore, Congress should lower gas prices by pursuing an agenda of low taxes, regulatory relief, and sound money by passing legislation such as my Affordable Gas Act.

We cant suspend the gas tax, thats what fixes roads. Isn't the actual Fed tax like less that 48 cents? I'm not sure

I do believe we should be having refineries built and drilling we have the technologies to do it pretty safely and environmentally safe
I'll cut the floorboards out of my van and Flintstone it.......before I pay 7 dollars a gallon!
you eat the cost and let the guys that lower there price to stay in business go out of business. That is what you have to do.

You heard right. We have guys here lowering prices to get work. Hello? your COGS went up and you're lowering your price??? Hello? I'm sorry Goodbye.
Go and destroy another industry.
I'm not bitter though..
We wouldn't be in this mess if we opened up tree-hugger season. Drill here, and quit lining everybody else's pockets!
Its sick. Albertsons here has a promotion if you buy $50 of groceries you get .25 off per gallon of fuel if you spend $100 in groceries you get .50 off per gallon of fuel. So I shop there and then we take the truck down and filler up with both machines and the 10 gallon extra tanks on the trailer. One of these days they will cut me off.....
The prices we have been seeing as of late are due to the stock market.I say we open a season for stock brokers.

You got that right!!!!!!!!!

These speculators shoot them, its a loop hole they can use and they are using it to profit at no regard to us or the economy The speculators were for the airline industry, trucking etc so they could lock in some pricing and now through loop holes all these Stock market type speculators can run up the price. we could stop it, but nothing much is being done. There are many other factors but this is pure greed and using the system
It really hits me hard running my Sweeper with two diesel motors in it. Times are going to get hard and the PM's are having a hard time passing the price along to the small shop owners in my centers. We have been saving fuel every way we can, but at 5 bucks a gallon right now it's getting real hard too do. I see no end in site right now.
Its sick. Albertsons here has a promotion if you buy $50 of groceries you get .25 off per gallon of fuel if you spend $100 in groceries you get .50 off per gallon of fuel. So I shop there and then we take the truck down and filler up with both machines and the 10 gallon extra tanks on the trailer. One of these days they will cut me off.....

That's a very good idea. Does Albertsons still do the membership cards by your house? Last time we were their I think they stopped it by us. If they don't do cards by us anymore I'm wondering how they would give the gas discount. I will start shopping Albertsons to get cheaper gas :D that's a big savings filling your tanks, machines, and truck.
Celtics are 2-0 against the Lakers. back in 1987 when Larry Bird was playing in the last Championship gas was $.91 - OHHHHHHHHHHH The good old days. We may win the Championship, but we will never see $.91 again

$.91 wouldn't that be so nice

Hey everybody cal or email your congressmen, your future president all elected officials it may help. You want drilling, you want speculators stopped, you have to take a stand and spend some time voicing your opinion to elected officials. If WE ALL b*tch enough, they will listen SOME, its an election year, tell them to do something or we will throw the bum out


What if every trucker in America stopped trucking for 1 week! America would shut down! Ships in ports would be affected that would piss off countries, because the ship would not be able to off load or be able to pull into a port that was clogged! Stores would run out of stuff to sell. Gas stations would run out of gas. The goverment would have to do something! It would shut us down! Id love to see it!
I have not raised prices - yet. If I pay $3 or $5 more per gallon, what is that per job? My 8gpm/3000psi rig gets about 1 gal/hour and an average house wash costs $250 and takes about 2 hours = $6 to $10 additional costs. Most of my estimates are given by phone, so I don't have to drive out for many estimates.

The one thing I have done is divide my region into Zones. Zone 1 = .10 sq/ft. Five zones, .10 to .15 sq/ft. If you ask the right questions, and explain that you are giving phone estimates to keep costs prices) down. People appreciate our situation (they buy gas too) and understand.

99% of what I do is residential and my formula works extremely well for me to achieve my hourly ($100) rate. I am currently booked through the end of June, though I do have some "wiggle" room.