FREEEEEEEE 12 Water KEY give Away FREEEEEEEE Read Below

Ron, the wipe you sent with the trigger gun was amazing!

The day after it arrived, Innis drew all over the leather seats in the truck... The wipe took it off without a problem. It also took some concrete floor paint off the leather in the back seat that I spilled!

Will order a bunch for use in shopping centers!

Make sure you tell him you heard about them here when you order.

Text me anytime for question 480-522-5227
Got mine today.

Thanks Ron and Shae!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Jay and Chad for replying that you received your water key and your welcome guys. Thank you
Hey what about me????I replied and posted a picture not gonna thank me...LOL just messin with ya Shaye
Hey what about me????I replied and posted a picture not gonna thank me...LOL just messin with ya Shaye

Just got your reply in right after you replied to mine lol. Sometimes it is a timing
Thanks, Ron & shaye when I get back from Philly I will post photos of everything, I know that it came in the day after we left out. Thanks again
Thanks, Ron & shaye when I get back from Philly I will post photos of everything, I know that it came in the day after we left out. Thanks again

Hi Matt,

Thanks for letting us know. I look forward to seeing the picture.......and your welcome.
Leave it to the power washing guys they will spell everything wrong!!!

Sorry Shaye!!

Hi Jay,

LOL....just realized what you were talking about. That is okay it is just another way to spell my name lol. Most people think it is spelled that way though lol..
Anyone get there Water KEY?
POST here and win!!!!!! Contest ENDS Wednesday or when we reach twelve POSTERs who followed the rules. Witch ever comes first.

Please After Winning POSTing and Liking the Thread On FB TEXT Shaye" Water KEY" 714-330-6115 winner so she can get your info


why are you reading the Fine Print :)
That's weird Vince , your close.

Text me anytime for question 480-522-5227

I thought I won until I double checked the winners and I wasn't on the list. Maybe I'll win next time.
I thought I won until I double checked the winners and I wasn't on the list. Maybe I'll win next time.

Hi Vince,

Thank you for being honest......
Got mine in yesterday thanks for the key and orings!