Dj is you had been giving back you would have simply called me back when I asked you to. The call was to repair the in fighting here because all these guys know I believed in you. The lack of respect for them was one thing, disrespecting someone who had done so much for you was another.
The comments you made here not ever showing any class to a community of guys who watched you grow and helped you along the away was a disgrace.
In nov you had officially professionally behind the scenes to stop selling coaching here. No announcement was made, you posted again we quietly asked stop. Then you posted Again and again as to purposely insight the staff.
Here's the funny, your playing martyr when in fact the truth is alls you ever had to do was pick the phone up and call. Apparently you don't need me and I truthfully don't have time for those who treat others like you do.
What did I lose? Not much
You lost a referral base.
My fellowship.
Pwi that harvest new leads for coaching.
Paid speaking engagements.
NAtional speaking tour affiliate
Respect from others who see this and read more into what you through away.
Why? Simply because you insulted a friend and poured salt on the wounds by not returning a call.
A simple call, saying Ron you boys are pushing me and I broke, yeah I shouldn't have said Scott can't sell. Likely I would have said yeah they broke you but remember people will take shots and sometimes you just got to love them back.
Dj chalk it up, don't do it again. The damage here is done. You have shown you respect no one.
We given you back what you dished up for yourself son. Stop playing wounded pup!
I have nothing left to say "Dj coach Carroll "
I told buddy I truly hope you grow one day out of this mess. All these men here will tell you I was your fan. Not any longer. I've kept the wolves out for a lot of years.
Ron Musgraves
"Sidewalk cleaning"