FREE Sirocco Reclaim Give Away Post OVER $3000.00 BIG ones Contest after OCT Event!!!

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Its real Jerry Lost it, complete online GiveAway !!!

You must Register on there Site when Roger Get the site Page up

ONLY call Roger!!! Tell him Thanks

For now an Always POST here!!!!

Tell us how you would like to win an how you will use the Vacuum?

Post photo of Reclaim units you already have an PWI will SEnd you a Special Prize......You will be surprised

Don't forget Certification IN OCT !!!!!!!!! HUGE EVENT IN WASH WATER CONTROL!!! Largest in Industry history.

$3000.00 GIVE AWAY


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If I win it will make my reclaiming way easier than running back and forth to the storm drain with sand bags and shop vac. and I would not sweat every time I see a police car coming hoping water did not overflow over my sand bag into drain lol. Pics coming soon Thank You Mr. Jerry
If I win it will make my reclaiming way easier than running back and forth to the storm drain with sand bags and shop vac. and I would not sweat every time I see a police car coming hoping water did not overflow over my sand bag into drain lol. Pics coming soon Thank You Mr. Jerry

Karl get those Photo we have some Pretty cool Prizes
If I win it, id throw away my sump pump, and use it to make videos, showing how well sirocco works picking up waste water from truck washing. reclaim.JPG
IMAG0666.jpgIMAG0665.jpg ADVANCED Waste water management/containment system with Dual suction super vortex stage III vacuum unit.
I think if I won, I would be able to do more interior floor cleaning faster.