Kevin Moffett
New member
Merry Christmas to ALL !
Merry Christmas to all.
Here's our truck and trailer for a Christmas parade.
how do u get on the nce database?
happy holidays and a very merry pressure washing christmas!
Wish all a Merry Christmas and a safe holiday season.
I'd post some pics but haven't received anything yet...
Will end on the 12th day Of christmas with and IPAD GIVE-away!!!
Jan 7th is the official 12th Day...According to WICK
Please post a Holiday Post here!!!
The Staff give-aways Start today with a Separate IPAD give Away.
We reserve the right to change or exclude.
This is easy today, if your in our NCE database and want to enter please post here.
Please add a Nice Holiday photo of yourseldf or PWI, PWNA, RCIA , UAMCC gear you have received.
No need to text or email if you have entered a contest before.
Everyone in the thread will recieve for member give-away a safety Sticker.
Posting a Photo of Safety sticker will get you and extra shot at the IPAD drawing.
If your not certain about your address do not worry, if we do not have it we will post here we need you to text.
Texting and using the Email will be the only way to send your info.
Let the Posting begin.....
Staff Drawings only will start, I will annouce the Members Drawings when Staff drawings are over with.
Watch the Video if you have further Questions