Formal request to add 2 more categories

this is a email from one on my family members that I just received, He is schedule to basically have the top of his skull removed to allow room for his Brain.

Hi Everyone!
This is a request for prayer and cards and pictures. Austin's surgery for his head is scheduled for July 29, at 10:00am, and may take about four hours. During one of his previous hospital stays, he noticed that other children's rooms were decorated with balloons, cards, etc. and thought they were having birthday parties in their rooms. What do you think about us decorating Austin's room this time? I thought I would get some balloons and decorate as soon as a room was available for him. And if we had cards and pictures for him to open after the surgery, he could then put them up on the wall near his bed. If anyone wants to make cards or pictures for him, you could mail them to me and I will get them together to give to Melissa or Mary.

I know this is email of now "MY" prayer request is off topic in a way, lets find a place to post it elsewhere, so we can ask for prayers from others on the board who are willing to put him in their prayers.
Al I worked as nurses assistance "cna" for many years at the local hospital patients love balloons and cards gives them hope that people thinking about them. Alot people say they are praying for him but card means so much more then prayer does but it does not hurt to say prayer for him. I would love to send card from my family wishing spead recovery. Send me pm of the address and age Andrea will send card to him.
JL great post I could not have said it better. Lets just keep this forum about pressure washing and how to grow our business keep Religion and Politics out work talk.
First let me say I respect your views.
We have met and you know me personally, You have asked me questions how to grow your biz and how I grow mine.
Respectfully ...they are more ways to grow your biz than what you can learn from a book or read.
Just to throw an example out to you......
you have asked about my post cards on different occasions...My wife asked me If I prayed over the postcards before I sent them out, and If I didn't she will respectfully Scold me.
I am not picking you out...I just want you to understand where I am coming from so you too can be successful in ALL areas of your life.
I have a small Statue of Mother Mary sitting on my desk looking over my business cards. My mom passed away in 1998 and we have her ashes in a beautiful wooden box in our living room. Underneath the box of her ashes you will find my business card. Every time that we visit family up north in Rhode Island I always stop by my dads grave site to spend a few minutes with him. If you were to dig about 3inches down you would find a plastic baggie with my business card in it. I say my prayers every morning and ask the Lord to please watch over all those who are in desperate need of watching over whether it be to ease their pain and suffering, the homeless, those who are abused and neglected especially the elderly and for all animals/pets etc... I also ask the Lord to watch over my parents and other family members who are with him and that if they have time would he please allow them to watch over myself and my family. Just to let you know, you all are included as I consider you part of my family. Heck I spend more time on here with y'all then I do my own. LOL...

My point I guess is that we all have certain things that we believe in. No one here is trying to push anything on anyone and I would think that those who don't agree with someone else's beliefs would just respect one another's beliefs enough to just leave them alone if they don't agree. I don't believe this whole idea is about one religion or the other. I believe it is about spirituality and coming together as one. A place where we can go to post and be at peace with one another and join as one to share our thoughts and ask for prayers if and when needed. Heck, if a small bunch of guys and gals can't get along on a BB board when it comes to such a topic then what is that saying about all of us as far as how we get along with the rest of the world. I for one am not in any position to judge anyone on what they do or don't believe in nor will I ever. We are all human beings and we all need to work together and try our best to get along. :)

What is it that gets you through the day? God Bless!

PS... Grant please do not make me have to choose between what I believe in verses having more Little Dudes. Hahaha! :rolleyes: :D
It does not appear that there a a majority in favor of these new boards, however, I will step up to moderate when if it does get approved.
I have a small Statue of Mother Mary sitting on my desk looking over my business cards. My mom passed away in 1998 and we have her ashes in a beautiful wooden box in our living room. Underneath the box of her ashes you will find my business card. Every time that we visit family up north in Rhode Island I always stop by my dads grave site to spend a few minutes with him. If you were to dig about 3inches down you would find a plastic baggie with my business card in it. I say my prayers every morning and ask the Lord to please watch over all those who are in desperate need of watching over whether it be to ease their pain and suffering, the homeless, those who are abused and neglected especially the elderly and for all animals/pets etc... I also ask the Lord to watch over my parents and other family members who are with him and that if they have time would he please allow them to watch over myself and my family. Just to let you know, you all are included as I consider you part of my family. Heck I spend more time on here with y'all then I do my own. LOL...

My point I guess is that we all have certain things that we believe in. No one here is trying to push anything on anyone and I would think that those who don't agree with someone else's beliefs would just respect one another's beliefs enough to just leave them alone if they don't agree. I don't believe this whole idea is about one religion or the other. I believe it is about spirituality and coming together as one. A place where we can go to post and be at peace with one another and join as one to share our thoughts and ask for prayers if and when needed. Heck, if a small bunch of guys and gals can't get along on a BB board when it comes to such a topic then what is that saying about all of us as far as how we get along with the rest of the world. I for one am not in any position to judge anyone on what they do or don't believe in nor will I ever. We are all human beings and we all need to work together and try our best to get along. :)

What is it that gets you through the day? God Bless!

PS... Grant please do not make me have to choose between what I believe in verses having more Little Dudes. Hahaha! :rolleyes: :D

I knew there was I side we have not seen much of;) very well spoken Larry
Al, I appreciate what you want to do but Scott has spoken and Grant, Ron and Myself are all on the same page.

haha So are the group of people that have called me and a few others (some very devout Christians) There is a good chance for confusion on religious topics that may or may not drive away those who are seeking what you have found.

As a christian I feel we should never do anything that could possibly drive someone away from the Lord, also I know that youi should be bold and I respect you for doing that, I just think there are more suttle ways to do the Lords work.

Posting a prayer request dosnt necessarily help, God knows the desires or our hearts and if we need him or his healing power or guidance he will provide it if we ask and ask in his name. Thats a promise and I dont feel that hounding the throne with request for something he has already answered does any good, remember just because it does not work the way you want does not mean he didnt answer it ..... Sometimes God says NO.

Good luck though, respectfully I wish you luck
this is a email from one on my family members that I just received, He is schedule to basically have the top of his skull removed to allow room for his Brain.

Hi Everyone!
This is a request for prayer and cards and pictures. Austin's surgery for his head is scheduled for July 29, at 10:00am, and may take about four hours. During one of his previous hospital stays, he noticed that other children's rooms were decorated with balloons, cards, etc. and thought they were having birthday parties in their rooms. What do you think about us decorating Austin's room this time? I thought I would get some balloons and decorate as soon as a room was available for him. And if we had cards and pictures for him to open after the surgery, he could then put them up on the wall near his bed. If anyone wants to make cards or pictures for him, you could mail them to me and I will get them together to give to Melissa or Mary.

I know this is email of now "MY" prayer request is off topic in a way, lets make a place to post it elsewhere, so we can ask for prayers from others on the board who are willing to put him in their prayers.

Glad you posted that Al, we all need help from time to time and lots of prayers always help. That is very sad what is happening to that child.

You can always post something like that in the off-topic or mindless blabbering area and talk about it like you just did, that is never any problem.

Trying to get a separate forum for just religious conversation or discussion is another story altogether.

Hope all is well with the child, prayers are on the way.
I belong to a welding bbs that has a off topic forum. It can get very interesting at times. Usually ending up with guys and some times girls agreeing to disagree. The subjects run the gamut, religion, politics, left, right, what kind of old tool is this. Funerals for fallen soldiers. A myriad of subjects. There are many heated arguments on this forum. But, when you get to the main forums about welding, weldments, equipment repairs, ect, these same people are the first to add positive comments or constructive criticism to what ever you posted. TGP bbs has the same thing with the speed trap, Prayer requests politics, ect.

When a person belongs to a bbs such as this, typically, their first and foremost interest is (in this case PW), secondary, is the escape that off topic gives them from the realities of their business life.

seems to me like the mindless blabbering fits this request
Whether or not we have a catagory for prayer or not isn't going to change who we are personally and what we believe in as individuals. Russ makes some good points. Just because God doesn't answer it doesn't mean he doesn't care. Here is a very good song that describes just that. Listen and enjoy... The message is there! :)

Great Choice Larry!

Makes you think how many prayers he did not answer or said no because it was in your best interest.
Unfortunately we live in a world where God and Prayer is being removed from schools, government ect...
Seems like they are always going to be a lot more to oppose it than support it and they have there own reasoning and they basically say... it does more harm than good.

It's always hard to speak openly about this subject (here or the real world)
I have always believed you can learn a lot about the person by listening to their posts, at least now you know where I stand.
There is an old saying " You can lead a horse to water but you can't make um drink!"
Nuf Said!
(this past 3 days I gave this board my attention than my wife, its her turn now)
After thinking about this for a few minutes, I just had to add these thoughts. I am relatively new here and I have some observations that alot of you might take for granted. Also, I have no disrespect for any ones religious beliefs until such time as they physically hurt others. But, I don't read the pwi for religious reasons, I read it to get a better understanding of the industry I am in. Be it it's Rogers miles of highway comments, (very sound logic in my eyes, but he forgot toll plazas) to the roof cleaning, (sometimes affects KEC) to all the environmental issues discussed.

People can learn alot about the wide and varied aspects of pw here. When I first started reading this bbs, I pictured Jim's garage cleaning as a guy pressure washing my garage floor and taking my scrap away for spare gas money. Was I ever wrong. I never dreamed Tony could make a living cleaning HVAC units. I see the need for it now. I used to spray caustics on a roof and use high pressure to clean the grease drippings off, I learned here that was wrong.

This bbs is a rain barrel of collective tid bits of information that affect the PW industry as a whole. If a tid bit is incorrect or questionable, it will be addressed collectively by those in the know, usually with the source of their info. Which, for the most part, makes this a solid source of information for the PW intustry as a whole. This is why I read this bbs. If in the mindless blabbering I see a prayer request, By all means will I answer it and include it in my prayers. That is MY personal make up. I can see where friendships and a sense of belonging to something can be formed. That is a great thing. (I was recently helped out by a member of another bbs in a great way.)

I read and participate in this bbs to learn about the pw industry, I add what ever little I can in return for the volumes given. I believe this is what this bbs should stay like. It is geared towards the professional side of the PW BUSINESS. Maybe it should be kept that way.
IMO, I dont think its a good idea,because there are people from all over the world on this site all have diff. beliefs,religions,and backrounds. Some might grow affended to someone comming off too harsh. and there will be ALOT of drama on here. I think the name of the site says it all. This is a PW forum. the occasional moment of silence is cool. but to have this board with tons of "off topic" posts well?...........
Unfortunately we live in a world where God and Prayer is being removed from schools, government ect...
Seems like they are always going to be a lot more to oppose it than support it and they have there own reasoning and they basically say... it does more harm than good.

It's always hard to speak openly about this subject (here or the real world)
I have always believed you can learn a lot about the person by listening to their posts, at least now you know where I stand.
There is an old saying " You can lead a horse to water but you can't make um drink!"
Nuf Said!
Personally, Al, I believe in Prayer in school. We are a Christian Based Nation. I believe the principal should have the board of education hanging on the wall behind his desk, and be able to use it when the need arise. I believe in standing during the National Anthem. I believe in keeping the words One Nation Under God in the pledge. I just don't see the need to have 1 religion have it's own forum. The next thing you know, the aclu will be contacting the PWI wanting them to have a forum for every off the wall, nut case religious sect there is having a forum.

My favorite saying is GOD GUNS and GUTS made this country great, Lets keep all 3. I am a Christian and My God is listed first. But to have a separate forum for religious topics can open a whole can of worms. Discretion here is the better part of valor. My God comes before my wife and family. But by doing so, in the eyes of my Lord, I am putting my family first by teaching them through my actions that My God is head of my family. My family and My beliefs are strong and open to sharing with all.

I just don't believe that asking a public, open, bbs to have a special forum just for Christain or religious topics when the main subject is gum on a side walk or chems down the drain should be a matter of debate. Again, this bbs is about the professional Pressure Washing and shouldn't have to deal with all the possible re percussions. Just my 02 worth.
This thread has gone exactly where we need another forum slot. Granted not everyone agrees. But if you dont want to post in a forum , dont. Im a member of the largest Fishing and hunting BBS there is. PWI is a knat compared to 2coolfishing, They have many, many slots for people to post. They keep it G rated also. And the admin and mods keep it running smoothly. 41 forums in 9 catagories. I cant seem to get a screen shot of the whole front page but go look at

I vote for the added forums. :)
I also say no, But how about Heartfelt sentiment forum for prayers and other stuff