for those wanting to make cheap flyers....


New member
I am making flyers to hand out and being a new business i dont have a ton of extra money for them. So i sat down, got the page designed how i wanted it, and printed a copy out. AND IT LOOKED CHEAP AS HELL!! So i thought about it for a day, and realized that it was the paper. So i went to office max, bought some thick paper that was a light blue color, and WALLA!! looks pretty good now, all black print, thick colored paper and it doesnt look completely homemade.

so thats my advice for the day, use colored paper and it makes things look better. and saves cash. good for handing out to customers you arent expecting too much business from (i.e. real estate agents)
good for handing out to customers you arent expecting too much business from (i.e. real estate agents)

I would never put anything out there that you weren't expecting to get much business from. If thats the attidude you have when you create the flyer, it will be portrayed in it. Thats what the potential customers will see. Just my opinion. :unsure:
i guess you misunderstood me...

what i will be doing is putting flyers in real estate agent boxes, im talking 200+ flyers. and most real estate agents wont respond, because they arent the ones that will be contacting me to clean a house they are selling. It will be the homeowners. All im trying to do is getting them to remember my name if they have a house in need of my services.

Im not going to the p.m. of a mall/condo with a handwritten notebook paper, im going to take a professionally made folder, flyer, and information material to them. But to an average homeowner, give them a business card, say hello and explain yourself, and you get the job.

If you can afford to put professionally made folders with your logo on it, full of P.O.P. Material to everyone you come into contact with, i want to know everything youre doing to make that kinda cash, seriously. But for me and others just starting out or running on a smaller scale, these things work.
I am making flyers to hand out and being a new business i dont have a ton of extra money for them. So i sat down, got the page designed how i wanted it, and printed a copy out. AND IT LOOKED CHEAP AS HELL!! So i thought about it for a day, and realized that it was the paper. So i went to office max, bought some thick paper that was a light blue color, and WALLA!! looks pretty good now, all black print, thick colored paper and it doesnt look completely homemade.

so thats my advice for the day, use colored paper and it makes things look better. and saves cash. good for handing out to customers you arent expecting too much business from (i.e. real estate agents)

Man alive the wolves are hungery tonight.
That's the kind of responses I got when I use to post.
Don't worry about them.
You do what you think will work for you.
I already discovered the colored paper. With home computers, it's possible that a business owner can produce as good a product as a publishing and printing company.
It's like chrome on a truck. It doesn't make money.

BS. I have Chrome on my truck, and it is shiny and red. Trust me, done properly, it makes you money. Maybe not tons, but enough to more than pay for itself, every year.
A couple things... I know it is difficult because starting out cash is tight. But many guys (including myself) have tried a number of different marketing tactics. That means knowing what works and what doesn't... For example, I had rather spend $120 per spot on a commercial during the Kentucky game instead of 12 $10 spots on TLC. That $120 will take my business much further.

The same for flyers. I'd rather have 50 quality than 200 so-so.

I have not seen your flyers and AM NOT making judgments. We all have done tons of flyers and developing and distributing them takes TIME! I think the distribution piece is the most costly piece of the puzzle. I want my TIME to pay off and know if my flyers do not look professional - I have not only wasted $$$ on paper, ink, and design, but I have wasted my TIME distributing. For them being the center piece of my marketing campaign, I would want them to be perfect.

Your flyers could be fine. Just giving you something to think about as you spend your MKT budget. I am always trying to spend "smarter". I would be glad to take a look and be of ANY help if you would like. Just call or shoot an email.
BS. I have Chrome on my truck, and it is shiny and red. Trust me, done properly, it makes you money. Maybe not tons, but enough to more than pay for itself, every year.

Agreed!!! VISIBLE!!!! Chrome Rims On Your Trailer, VISIBLE!!!!

Spinner Bait To Catch Fish, VISIBLE!!!!!

Not to many people have the contacts & contracts you do William, so they have to be more creative.