I have been a stay-at-home wife/mom for seven years, just now getting back into the work world full force (although my work is from home and self-employed). I must say that I have HATED being home. I love my family and adore my kids, but I felt like I was was thrown into this relentless job of taking care of the home that was ill fitting, and frankly, I stunk at it. In the real world, I would have been fired a long time ago. I am a creative soul who was designed for a lot more than simply cleaning the house, disciplining the kids, and caring for my husband. It is a HARD job, much harder than an out-of-the-home career because it is relentless, underappreciated, isolating and obviously underpaid. It is still my #1 job and I would not trade my choice to stay home for the world because I felt it was important -- especially considering my son has autism -- but man oh man. It is NOT the easy way by a long shot.