Food for Thought - Success

Tim Smith

Having a prepared mind is one of the most important requirements for success. Before I tell you what factors will contribute to your success, let’s discuss a few of the things that stand in the way of success.

Consider this: If I asked you to walk across a plank that was laid out on the floor, you probably wouldn’t refuse to walk on it. But if I were to place this same plank a hundred feet in the air, you wouldn’t do it. Even on a windless day with no glaring sunlight. Why? Its not that you can no longer physically walk across the plank, because the plank hasn’t changed. But your head butts into the act, yelling: “Watch out! That’s a LONG way to drop!” So you start to shake, stumble, and…whoops! This limitation on your performance is imposed by a negative message from your mind.

In the same way, negative programming instilled in us during our childhood gives us a false sense of limitation. If your mom was always telling you what a dumb kid you were, then you probably grew up believing you lacked the ability to learn. You may not have made it through to college. But this has nothing to do with your intelligence. Rather, you’ve been programmed to fail, so you expect to fail, and your expectations are fulfilled.

By the time you reach adulthood, your view of yourself is already set, much the way a thermostat controls the temperature of a room, keeping it at a constant pre-set level, regardless of what’s happening outside. When the temperature in the room rises beyond the pre-set level, the air conditioning switches on automatically. All of us have our own inner “thermostat,” which we subconsciously use to fix our value as a person.

The principle applies to all areas of life. Take wealth for example. All of us have a preconceived idea of how much we are “worth” in dollar terms. You might not be aware of it, but you project this figure into the world. It’s almost as if you wear this number on your forehead. And this is precisely the value the world will hand you. If you don’t think yourself worthy of being wealthy or well compensated for your work, your bank account will surely reflect those feelings. If you raise the level of your inner “thermostat,” then the world around you will respond.

Remember that thermostat temperatures have nothing to do with the world outside. If the level is set to 68 degrees, then that’s the temperature in the room, regardless of what’s going on outside. If your inner “thermostat” reads half a million dollars, that’s what the world will tend to channel your way, regardless of economic crises and doomsayers. The world reflects the value you assign yourself.

You need to understand and let go of counterproductive tendencies-to reset your thermostat-in order to prepare for success.

As you expand your vision and change your perceptions by overcoming bad emotional programming, you will see that it is possible to create a new reality. Once you do so, success will surely come. It will only come, however, if you know exactly where your energies must be placed.

For success to be yours, you need three basic fundamentals to be working at the same time: WILLINGNESS, ABILITY, & OPPORTUNITY. For example, let’s say your want to win a big pressure washing contract. You know how to pressure wash and you want to do the job, but you don’t have the proper equipment. Well, in that case, you’ve lost your opportunity.

Lets say you have the proper equipment, but you don’t feel like working today. In this case, you’ve lost your willingness. You can’t perform the job this way, either. Nor can you perform the job if you have the proper equipment and want to work that day, if you have not created an opportunity. Your success is going to depend on all three fundamentals being fully activated.

Having a prepared mind is one of the most important requirements for success.

A simple but excellent stepping-stone to achievement is to be attentive to people who are already successful. Study them and try to identify and imitate their most effective habits.
The science of success is made up of various components. As you learn and develop them, your mind expands, your intelligence soars, and your capacity to cope with routine problems improves. Like point on a star, these components are all equally important, as they support each other. You can’t shift one without affecting the others.

The mind as a co-creator.

Everything in the world appears first in the mind. Thought is energy, and energy follows thought.

Thoughts spur feelings that generate behavior. Behavior prompts consequences in the world that will in turn trigger new thoughts, completing the think-feel-act cycle.

Individual thoughts depend on the beliefs of the thinker. If you dislike what’s happening in your world, analyze what you’ve been thinking and what beliefs lie behind your thoughts.

Change your beliefs and new opportunities will appear in your life.
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