pressure switch is the worst tool in the box for reliability.
ONLY FLOW should actuate a heater...
when your coil blows-up, you'll change your mind.
To check your flow switch..
pull the plug out of the end, and check that the slider slides free,
and the magnet stays inside the slider.
If that's OK, carefully slide the reed out of the brass block
(away from the magnet). Start the machine and observe..
The heater should NOT be "on" without the magnet actuating the reed.
If heater fires up, replace the reed.
(You can double-check it with a ohmmeter.)
One more thing about the slider..
that guage port should never be in the down position..
the slider eventually wears a "fall" at the edge of the hole,
so the slider doesn't track straight.
If you want things to last, follow my lead.