Hey does anyone know the time schedule for the roundtable for both days 30th and 31st?
Be ready starting 6 pm on thursday, start time fri is 8am start time on Sat is 8am till the give-away is over estamated by 5:30pm at the latest.
Hey does anyone know the time schedule for the roundtable for both days 30th and 31st?
Anybody want to play golf Thurs. morning let me know.
Okay Thanks Ron i'll be all ready like its the first day of school lol..
LOLOLOLOLOLuttahere:Hey Guy maybe you can teach me how to play
Oh the LOL is not a good thing is it lol
I just Dont picture Guy as the country Club type of guy giving lessons....:jester:
PWP going to open shop up for us?
Its about a 20-25 min ride from the hotel.
O.K.. Here's Jerry's plan..
I'm staying through (late) Sunday..
..So many of you have questions about Reclaim, and filtration !
I'll be there, with very helpful handouts.
Also, I will gladly bring to ...give away..
10ea. VacuBerm Kits
a 12" Vacuuming Surface Cleaner for Kitchens, balconies, etc.
a SandTrap/LeafTrap for you roof-cleaning guys,
enough WashWaterControl Handbooks for everyone,
and a "bunch" of our new HoseLeashes.