Flatworker takes cue from greasers - pics

Work looks great! But you may want to consider this thought when taking your pictures. I try to not get any ladders or hoses in my photos.
It seems to make nice clean shots.
We recently were involved in an insurance claim, right up to the point where we produced the pictures of the service. Magically they didn't want to waste their time on us anymore and blamed the fire suppression company.

If I was in the Vent Cleaning Business, I would be taking pictures of the befores and afters and maybe during also.

All legitimate companies that do good work take pictures right????

I have heard of some companies out there that do not take pictures because they are hacks and don't want the customer to know that they are ripping them off by not doing the whole job or a good job.

I think that I would send pictures to the owner, the insurance company, the fire marshall and the insurance board so if anything happened, there would be enough pics out there floating around that you should not even be called in, just my opinion.

If it is not already standard procedure by taking pictures then I think that it should be for all reputable, professional companies and required by the insurance board or you would not be issued insurance.

I also think that if you are in the Vent Cleaning Business and do shoddy work and a fire happens because you did not do your job correctly then you should be prosecuted and mandatory prison sentence, after all you are being paid for a job that has a good potential for a fire to happen if it is not done correctly.
Hey Richard, I'm a real greenhorn to the deck thing.
this was my second and the first one actually probably came out better. I probably should have gone stronger on my strip mix on this one. I used F18 to strip it and f8 to neutralize. I'm going to go back and look again soon and see if I need to do anymore to it.

I am a green horn also to cleaning wood the CORRECT way. I also have not mixed my stripper strong enough. It works ok but has required me to use more pressure than I should. I mixed it according to what I was told but It needs to be a bit stronger.
The brightner I have had no prob with. You see the wood start to brighten as you put it on.
Nice work for a greenhorn. I like it!
We recently were involved in an insurance claim, right up to the point where we produced the pictures of the service. Magically they didn't want to waste their time on us anymore and blamed the fire suppression company.

I have a place close by I drive by every once in awhile. For the past few months its been closed. Its one of the oldest in a chain, I thought they were just gonna tear down and rebuild. Finally called the guy, he said they had a fire. Took out the hood, duct, and a good chunk of the roof. They estimate 150-200K in damages. First thing the INS Co asked about was exhaust cleaning, he showed them the pics.............their looking elsewhere for reasons not to pay.:D