First to Post here

Great thread....but what about phone services? like automated answering and mutiple options? in other words...."...for sales please press 1, to schedule an appointment please press 2, to yell at the owner please press 3.."
I have a long route coming up for cleaning commercial shopping centers ect... I have to be able to send pics by email of completed work , what is the easiest phone to do that with ? oh, and best service for the same

I know you asked this question 4 weeks ago, but I have used my Blackberry Curve to email pics of completed work. It's just like using a computer, type your email and attach the pics. You can choose to have the email sent to multiple recipients as well.
I know you asked this question 4 weeks ago, but I have used my Blackberry Curve to email pics of completed work. It's just like using a computer, type your email and attach the pics. You can choose to have the email sent to multiple recipients as well.

Every once in a while I forget the digital camera and use my Blackberry Pearl for the pictures, and then just email them to myself so as to not take up to much memory on the phone. Works pretty well most of the time..
Doesn't your Blackberry Pearl have a memory card slot? I have a 2gig card in mine, but I still try to keep a minimum number of pics on it.
it does, I just never put one in it. Would probably be a good idea, because whern it gets too full, it erases my call logs
The nice thing about the Micro-SD memory cards is that they come with an adapter, so you can plug them into a stardard SD memory card slot. They can go straight into a computer tower, printer, etc. That also allows you to type documents on the computer, save them on the memory card, and transfer them to the Blackberry. You can also save music and video the same way, then plug into the MP3 jack in your truck...:cool: Yes, my Blackberry is my: phone, mini laptop, wireless internet, MP3 & MP4 player, portable GPS device...and I haven't even touched the surface of what it is capable of.:)
I am a dinosaur. I have a Samsung u740 from Verizon. It works for me and is not overly huge. It has a double hing and I am surprised how durable it is. I typically use about 3500 minutes a month and send about600 texts, and it just keeps ticking. I am thinking that my next phone will be a Blackberry world phone, since I am probably going out of the country in a year or so, and will need to have communication ability.
Treo 700W as well. Love it. You definitely get addicted to all the features, especially getting my Estimate Requests sent from my website. Also like sending my bids to portable printer in truck for quick printing.

I hate hearing it chime with an email in the middle of the night to find spam though...
I love my MilSpec phone from Sprint, I throw it off roofs all the time and it always lives! Its a tuff azz phone!
Treo 700W Nice but sometimes would not mind a thinner/smaller phone Friend has the iphone looks like it is really user friendly and definitely smaller but it also looks more fragile.dh

Try typing with the IPhone.