Fence cleaning

Here's an excerpt I just pulled from a site called "bankrate"

Due to trespassing laws, you technically can't amble onto your neighbor's property without her permission. However, most communities have laws that allow you or your contractors safe and reasonable access to your property for repair or painting work. After all, most scaffolding is at least 4 feet wide.

Check into it's all you can do. Actually, I'd get your customer to do the checking and wait for their call.


I know this is an old thread but just for general info: Actually it might pay to check your state laws where you live. I say that because in South Carolina there are no laws against trespassing. It would be legal to enter the neighbors property during daylight hours. The only laws we have here are for "trespassing after notice", as in- you were cleaning the other side of the fence and the neighbor told you to leave, but you came back on their property anyway. Only at that point could anything legal be done against you.
Wait till he's not home and just go to town. If it leaks to his side and he complains, then clean his side too. An entire fence would use like 5 gallons of mix and take like an hour. #worthit