February PCC Magazine now online


The real reclaim machine

Remember, no flash photography allowed. To the untrained contractor this looks like a reclaim machine. Only Scott knows that it is really a TIME MACHINE!

Top Secret:

That was cool Tony!
Just an update.

We received our first check. The city said that they are thrilled with the service we are providing, and have never had a more responsive contractor. It was kind of funny, because of the way the contract award happened, they approved the contract, but forgot to approve payment. When you are dealing with a contract like this, the payment being timely is huge.
So, it was put on the council agenda, and the local paper put a notice in saying that we were going for contract approval. I heard that some nitwits thought that we were failing, and the city was going to pull the contract. Fortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. Of course, these are the same nitwits that were telling their employees that they were awarded the contract. Funny thing is, they did not even put in a bid. These same people have done this on the last few contracts I have bid on, and won.
Sometimes, I just shake my head in amazement.
I like your last line in there Scott about you shaking your ahead in amazement. Lol. Some people like to discredit others and take credit for themselves for the job they never did. I had that happen with a school bid we won a few years ago and on the reverse to that I had another condo complex where a board member tried to say my company ruin some peoples screens and he tried to get us disqualified for the bid. End result on that is we did that Condo complex now 3 times and that Board member was booted when they found out his son ripped his screens learning how to powerwash and now that He's in the biz he tried to undercut my bid...

Good thing you were paid on time. That one on some of our bigger jobs has been a little nerve wracking but the bigger the risk sometimes comes the bigger reward like your contract.. Real cool.
How the Magazine Going Allison?

Hey Ron. Sorry, I missed this somehow.

Magazine's going great. Should be out by the end of next week...at the latest. I started laying it out this evening.

Also, I believe we will be set up for iPADs this next issue. Because I've been behind the technological power curve, I can't check the past issues so I haven't posted the iPAD version yet. I bought an iPAD on Monday that is on its way in the mail.

Scott, I'm glad to hear you're getting such good feedback from the City and also that you got paid. Hope you guys are getting into the groove a bit and you're starting to get some sleep!
Yep, I am down to working half days. I get there at four and leave at four. After family time, i usually get about 5 hours of sleep, whether I need it or not.
After struggling with some technical glitches last night, the new magazine is online and appears to be in good working order. (Please let me know if you experience problems!)

The full issue for subscribers will be up sometime tomorrow. Subscribers will receive an email with info on that.

ppc off line all together?
It's called eClean Magazine now.

I click on some links in other places they where dead, I see that above directs to the new one. She may want to make sure all her links are connected. That will hurt if they are left to a dead place.