Excuses from a company for not doing the job right!!

Thats why Ron pays me the big bucks!
Boy now I can sleep at night!
I concur with the letter. It is exactly what happens. The systems are supposed to be installed according to code. Access panels that are accessible every 10 ft, hinged fans with flexible cable, safe work areas. If the grease in the duct was allowed to carbonize pressure washing wont cut it. Manual scraping. It also means someone hasnt done their job. The installer, the authority having jurisdiction, the owner, the previous hood cleaner.

A hood cleaners job, to me, is to clean, not modify the system. My insurance does not cover sheet metal work. So do not accept the job. Send the letter and decline the job until the necessary modifications are done up to code.

I just declined a job that would have taken more than a week. A college in my area has mulyiple buildings with many cooking areas within these buildings. Nice looking, new hoods but duct that is inaccessible running up sometimes 5 floors. Some of the duct being in the middle of the building. The duct on the roof is heavy, heavy gauge metal. Needs to be cut with a torch. No way. I would send the exact letter. They must have spent an astronomical amount of money to have these systems installed up to code. Buy no! So I am going to have to install probably hundreds of doors. NOT!

Additionally, the necessary modifications would send the job cost way , way up. So you have 4 other hood cleaners cleaning what they can get to and then there is you. The perfect hoodcleaner who cant get the job because his price is so far off from the others. Will anyone believe you. LOL. Send a letter before and pass on the job.

Why is it that the grease exhaust systems are supposed to be installed up to the NFPA 96 Fire Codes but they are not. Why is it that the restaurant owners and other authorities, even us , feel that we should fix what should have been done correctly in the first place, by the installer. Why are we held responsible for some other companies flawed work? Perhaps because we let them do it to us? If we do a crappy cleaning job, who can we blame to fix it?
Maybe the air duct cleaning company?

Just imagine if every job you went to had accessible access panels, Hinged fans, liquidtight duct, everything that the codes require. Wouldnt it be nice to be able to just go do our job instead of fixing someone elses mess?
But no, we feel we should be responsible for someone elses work. NOT ME.
I am not responsible for bringing someone elses hood system up to code then having to clean it. I will clean only clean.